Squarespace Blog / "toddler"

Nuby Embossed section plate video review

Sick house, but a happy baby eating out of her Nuby Embossed section plate! There really isn't a Nuby goodie that we don't love... I want em all!
"Nûby™ feeding accessories are made to withstand the challenges of daily use and retain their bright colors and resilience. This sectioned toddler plate is ideal for children who are beginning to feed themselves. It is suitable for warm or cold foods."
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Christmas Wish Lists... Ms. Rozzlyn...

AHHHH! I could go on for hours and hours putting together all the things I would just LOVE LOVE LOVE to have for Ms. Rozzlyn. But I won't... Ill just put together my 5 favorites so you can drool over them with me too :)

Rocky The Zombie: Time for the next size up! 1/2 for Ms. Rozz!

Quinn: Because we CAN NOT have too many rag dolls :)

Wooden Name Puzzle: Because we want every wooden puzzle we can get our hands on... but we NEEEEED one that says Rozzlyn in cute pastels! :)
CaustinThreads: Because Cupcakes & Skulls are two of our favorite things. Pink in 18 months!

TwoChicksandaFish: Im so totally in love with these waldorf style unicorns... I think we need a white one with rainbow hair!

BellasLilBoutique: Rozz is getting to the age when she's interested in coloring... some nice big chunky crayons would be AWESOME for her to grab on to and scribble with.

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Look mom, no hands!

How do I get things done with 3 kids, a full time business, a husband, a house, cleaning, cooking, etc. etc. ETC... hands free... A great friend made me the MOST AWESOME pouch for Rozzlyn... I had a sling with the boys, but its just not the same. Nothing compares to the awesomeness of my pouch... It was so perfect to keep her close as a newborn, and now that she's bigger Its even more amazing...
Her cute little toes fit through the sides... her head peeks out the top... the only issues I had at the store was her trying to chew through my shirt to nurse, haha... greedy baby had just eaten! *note to self - no v-necks while baby wearing "flesh=food to baby* Though, now that I say that... I probably could nurse her in there too... hmmmmmm.... 
Long story short, if you havn't tried wearing your baby, I recommend it... Life is so much easier with a baby in a pouch :)
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Review of My Little Feather Plush Owl!

It would be near impossible for me to choose a "favorite plush" from my *ahem* sorry... Rozzlyn's plush collection. But I gotta say, in a sea of pink, black, and lime green - our new punky owl from My Little Feather stands out...
I have been a huge fan of My Little Feather from the moment I first say her OH SO CUTE pirate owls... I mean seriously, how can you not love them!! In an Etsy world full of plush, My little Feather has really found her niche and made them her own. If you havn't yet - be sure to "like" her on facebook so you can see the new plush as the are posted.  When My Little Feather contacted my about a revie I literally squealed with delight. I had already showed her a ton of love just by seeing her awesome product online... but the idea of getting my hands on one! LOVE!!! We worked together to come up with the perfect one to match Rozzlyn's room.  The colors and prints coordinate perfectly with her bedding...   I love the color of pink that she used in the felt and on the wings... and just the little pops of lime green...
And if you noticed.. the scribble skulls print is one I used in her quilt and her bumpers!  How cute is that little r on the butt?! That was an awesome surprise I didn't see until I got it in the mail. The quality that comes from this shop absolutely blew my mind. Each stitch is perfect... every detail is carefully thought out... creating a high-quality item thats worth every penny... and the price? Totally reasonable for a plush of this size. *which makes me happy as I consider my next owl* I just love watching Ms. Rozzlyn inspect the different prints and textures...  Her little fingers are too cute feeling the textures of the buttons and threads. 
My next purchase most definitely has to be one with glasses and a mustache... what?! Hipster owl?! Oh yes... she makes those too ;)  So - needless to say... Ms. Rozz approves completely...
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Nuby Easy Go set - Review

Absolutely loving this new trio we got from Nuby! As a mom always on the go - I love things that are easy.. and quick... and SUPER simple. This set *Easy Go* is exactly that...

But Im not just going to tell you about its awesomeness... I'm going to show you with the help of Ms. Rozzlyn!

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