Squarespace Blog / "carry"
Look mom, no hands!
How do I get things done with 3 kids, a full time business, a husband, a house, cleaning, cooking, etc. etc. ETC... hands free... A great friend made me the MOST AWESOME pouch for Rozzlyn... I had a sling with the boys, but its just not the same. Nothing compares to the awesomeness of my pouch... It was so perfect to keep her close as a newborn, and now that she's bigger Its even more amazing...
Her cute little toes fit through the sides... her head peeks out the top... the only issues I had at the store was her trying to chew through my shirt to nurse, haha... greedy baby had just eaten! *note to self - no v-necks while baby wearing "flesh=food to baby* Though, now that I say that... I probably could nurse her in there too... hmmmmmm....
Long story short, if you havn't tried wearing your baby, I recommend it... Life is so much easier with a baby in a pouch :)
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Long story short, if you havn't tried wearing your baby, I recommend it... Life is so much easier with a baby in a pouch :)