Squarespace Blog / "infant"
Look mom, no hands!
How do I get things done with 3 kids, a full time business, a husband, a house, cleaning, cooking, etc. etc. ETC... hands free... A great friend made me the MOST AWESOME pouch for Rozzlyn... I had a sling with the boys, but its just not the same. Nothing compares to the awesomeness of my pouch... It was so perfect to keep her close as a newborn, and now that she's bigger Its even more amazing...
Her cute little toes fit through the sides... her head peeks out the top... the only issues I had at the store was her trying to chew through my shirt to nurse, haha... greedy baby had just eaten! *note to self - no v-necks while baby wearing "flesh=food to baby* Though, now that I say that... I probably could nurse her in there too... hmmmmmm....
Long story short, if you havn't tried wearing your baby, I recommend it... Life is so much easier with a baby in a pouch :)
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Long story short, if you havn't tried wearing your baby, I recommend it... Life is so much easier with a baby in a pouch :)

Nuby Giveaway: Round One - Newborn Care
We are SO totally excited to announce our first big Nuby Giveaway! We have three rounds of giveaways - so be sure to follow us and keep checking back!
Round One: Newborn Care
When you bring a newborn baby home... there are all sorts of things you will likely have to worry about... bathing, diaper changing, nail clipping, ear cleaning, medicine giving, pacifier ... uhhh... pacifier sucking? ... sure! There will be lots of that too. But never fear, Nuby has you covered in most all of these aspects... and to prove it to you, I've put together the perfect newborn care kit to give away to one lucky winner... But first, I want to tell you about the items you could receive.
Medical Care Kit-
"Nuby's™ Medical Kit helps you take care of you child's medical needs. From medicating to nasal and ear care, this kit makes it easier to care of your baby.
This kit includes: Sure-Dose™ Medicine dropper, Medi- Nurser, Nasal Aspirator with Ear Syringe and Medicine Dispenser."
Nail Care Set-
"Nûby™ strives to provide quality grooming products necessary for safe and simple grooming of your baby. All are available in fashionable colors and designs.
This set includes:
Nail Clipper: that are sized for baby’s small nails, but are easy for an adult to use. Each Clipper comes with a snap on cover for cleaner storage.
Baby and Toddler Nail Scissor: are made of stainless steal and are also sized perfectly for baby or toddler’s tiny nails. The short curved blades of these Scissors make it easier to trim a child’s nails. Trim straight across nails then shape as needed. Each pair of Nail Scissors comes with a hygienic cover that easily fits over the end.
Smoothing Emery Boards: (4 pieces) are specially sized and shaped to help smooth and shape their tiny nails. This helps prevent your child from scratching themselves- and others!"
Nuby Brites Pacifiers: (0-6 months)
"The classic oval baglet with symmetrical shield design ensures that the pacifier always fits in your baby’s mouth. Nuby’s air system allows air to circulate between baby’s delicate skin & pacifier. The pacifiers come in various fun bright colors and designs!"
"The Paci-Cradle™ from Nûby™ is the ideal way to keep any pacifier or Pacifinder® within reaching distance. The Flexi-Klip™ ensures that the case will stay attached to a stroller, handbag, diaper bag, etc. The durable plastic case keeps pacifier and/or Pacifinder® secure, providing a clean and hygienically safe environment. It's sized conveniently to hold 2 pacifiers or 1 pacifier and Pacifinder®!"
Dr. Talbots Diaper Rash Cream:
"Engineered to be the best, Dr. Talbot's Diaper Rash Ointment was first developed by Dr. Ralph Jefferson Talbot in 1933. This zinc oxide and Peruvian balsam ointment helps soothe and prevent diaper rash, while moisturizing your baby's delicate skin."
Any mama (or daddy) and baby would be super lucky to receive all these Nuby goodies for their little one on the way... and as I HUGE Nuby supporter, I can confidently recommend them all... After baby number 3 - we still have some Nuby items that get regular use from years ago... and are still buying new ones as they come out! So - help me help you get your entries in to get your hands on this prize...
To enter: *Each # below is a separate entry, comment below (in separate comments) which each number you complete... The #10 entry is MANDATORY - each extra (1-9) are extra chances at being entered! 1: Fan Nuby Usa on Facebook 2: Follow Nuby on Twitter 3: Follow Nuby on Instagram - @nubyusa 4: Follow Nuby on Pinterest 5: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook 6: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter 7: Follow RockerByeBaby on Instagram. -@rockerbyebaby 8: Follow RockerByeBaby on Pinterest 9: Follow the Nuby USA YouTube Channel for videos and review by moms like me!!
10: Tell me why you want to win this giveaway from Nuby
Good Luck!!
**I was not compensated in any way for this post, just provided with product to review and giveaway.
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Round One: Newborn Care
When you bring a newborn baby home... there are all sorts of things you will likely have to worry about... bathing, diaper changing, nail clipping, ear cleaning, medicine giving, pacifier ... uhhh... pacifier sucking? ... sure! There will be lots of that too. But never fear, Nuby has you covered in most all of these aspects... and to prove it to you, I've put together the perfect newborn care kit to give away to one lucky winner... But first, I want to tell you about the items you could receive.
"Nuby's™ Medical Kit helps you take care of you child's medical needs. From medicating to nasal and ear care, this kit makes it easier to care of your baby.
This kit includes: Sure-Dose™ Medicine dropper, Medi- Nurser, Nasal Aspirator with Ear Syringe and Medicine Dispenser."
Nail Care Set-
"Nûby™ strives to provide quality grooming products necessary for safe and simple grooming of your baby. All are available in fashionable colors and designs.
This set includes:
Nail Clipper: that are sized for baby’s small nails, but are easy for an adult to use. Each Clipper comes with a snap on cover for cleaner storage.
Baby and Toddler Nail Scissor: are made of stainless steal and are also sized perfectly for baby or toddler’s tiny nails. The short curved blades of these Scissors make it easier to trim a child’s nails. Trim straight across nails then shape as needed. Each pair of Nail Scissors comes with a hygienic cover that easily fits over the end.
Smoothing Emery Boards: (4 pieces) are specially sized and shaped to help smooth and shape their tiny nails. This helps prevent your child from scratching themselves- and others!"
Nuby Brites Pacifiers: (0-6 months)
"The classic oval baglet with symmetrical shield design ensures that the pacifier always fits in your baby’s mouth. Nuby’s air system allows air to circulate between baby’s delicate skin & pacifier. The pacifiers come in various fun bright colors and designs!"
"The Paci-Cradle™ from Nûby™ is the ideal way to keep any pacifier or Pacifinder® within reaching distance. The Flexi-Klip™ ensures that the case will stay attached to a stroller, handbag, diaper bag, etc. The durable plastic case keeps pacifier and/or Pacifinder® secure, providing a clean and hygienically safe environment. It's sized conveniently to hold 2 pacifiers or 1 pacifier and Pacifinder®!"
Dr. Talbots Diaper Rash Cream:
"Engineered to be the best, Dr. Talbot's Diaper Rash Ointment was first developed by Dr. Ralph Jefferson Talbot in 1933. This zinc oxide and Peruvian balsam ointment helps soothe and prevent diaper rash, while moisturizing your baby's delicate skin."
Any mama (or daddy) and baby would be super lucky to receive all these Nuby goodies for their little one on the way... and as I HUGE Nuby supporter, I can confidently recommend them all... After baby number 3 - we still have some Nuby items that get regular use from years ago... and are still buying new ones as they come out! So - help me help you get your entries in to get your hands on this prize...
To enter: *Each # below is a separate entry, comment below (in separate comments) which each number you complete... The #10 entry is MANDATORY - each extra (1-9) are extra chances at being entered! 1: Fan Nuby Usa on Facebook 2: Follow Nuby on Twitter 3: Follow Nuby on Instagram - @nubyusa 4: Follow Nuby on Pinterest 5: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook 6: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter 7: Follow RockerByeBaby on Instagram. -@rockerbyebaby 8: Follow RockerByeBaby on Pinterest 9: Follow the Nuby USA YouTube Channel for videos and review by moms like me!!
10: Tell me why you want to win this giveaway from Nuby
Good Luck!!
**I was not compensated in any way for this post, just provided with product to review and giveaway.

Swinger Sunday - "A Walk of Faith"
This week - welcome an old friend, Jessie to the "mic"... Jessie has been through a whole heck of alot... and im so proud of her for having the courage to share her pregnancy story with you... as I remember hearing all about it with lil Ben. Such a strong mama for going at it again... and such a pretty little girl her strength has brought her this time around :)
Tonight I decided to continue to claim and accept a part of what makes me who I am - a survivor of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. I decided to do a walk to support awareness and raise money towards finding a cure and/or preventing the condition. Although I can say that in the past I have blamed myself in some sort of odd way for being a victim to this disorder or feeling inadequately made by my creator, I now know that it was never my fault and that God made me perfectly and that why this has happened to me now twice in my life is all but a bigger plan that I will someday know more about when I am laid at rest. What I know beyond all else is that my life has been incredibly blessed with two beautiful children and that my heart is at its happiest with the love I have for them. This walk I am doing, I feel, will sort of be a part of a healing process for me as well. I have sort of felt compelled to do this as well since the birth of my new two-week old daughter knowing that someday she will possibly face this condition as well as it can be hereditary. Last year I turned down doing this walk as it was too hard for me I feel emotionally to face up to the facts of what happened with the birth of my son and the emotional turbulence and shock of knowing my condition so I feel like I have made strides to do the walk this year and hope that I will continue on my journey of closure or peace.
For those of you who have never heard of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome (I never did either until it happened to me) is that Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period and affects both the mother and the unborn baby. Affecting at least 5-8% of all pregnancies, it is a rapidly progressive condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision are important symptoms; however, some women with rapidly advancing disease report few symptoms.
Typically, preeclampsia occurs after 20 weeks gestation (in the late 2nd or 3rd trimesters or middle to late pregnancy), though it can occur earlier. Proper prenatal care is essential to diagnose and manage preeclampsia. Preeclampsia, Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) and toxemia are closely related conditions. HELLP Syndrome and eclampsia are other manifestations of the same syndrome. It is important to note that research shows that more women die from preeclampsia than eclampsia and one is not necessarily more serious than the other.
Globally, preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal and infant illness and death. By conservative estimates, these disorders are responsible for 76,000 maternal and 500,000 infant deaths each year.
I developed pre-e and HELLP with my son suddenly in 2008 at 35 weeks into my pregnancy. I had a rare case of pre-e with non-typical signs of the disorder. I became very sick after my delivery as my liver was affected. I had to be on magnesium sulfate for a few days after giving birth to prevent me from having seizures. My son did well with only needing some breathing help the first day and a half. He is a normal, beautiful, average young 21 month old currently and is such a joy to raise.
I developed pre-e and HELLP with my daughter recently the last week of February, again in my 35th week of pregnancy. Thanfully, doctors caught it in its early stages and I was able to deliver (as delivery of the baby is the only cure for the condition) a beautiful, glowing baby girl who did fantastic after delivery not even needing breathing help. I was able to avoid being on drugs after delivery and had a much shorter stay in the hospital than my first birthing experience. My daughter is doing wonderful at home and is just a doll - can't wait to see what sugar and spice she brings to us!
I am touched that Amber donated to my cause and has me as her blogger guest this Sunday. She is an amazing woman with a big heart for people. If you would like to donate to my walk on May 8th around Lake Phalen in St. Paul, Minnesota, please visit the following website: http://www.promisewalk.org/pfpw/participantpage.asp?fundid=68&uid=188&fkroledescid=5&nnaffundid=12
Thank you for your encouragement. :)
Me again guys! If you have a few bucks to spare PLEASE donate to Jessie's walk :) Her goal is $100 and she is only $65 away! YAYYY Jessie! If you want to donate less than $15 just put choose OTHER in the donation box and you can enter in your own dollar amount. Every $1 helps and is much appreciated. And Ill make you a deal... for every $1 you donate to Jessies cause, Ill match it in a gift certificate to RockerByeBaby up to $20 per person... Give Jessie $15... Get a $15 GC for the shop. Cool!? COOL!
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Tonight I decided to continue to claim and accept a part of what makes me who I am - a survivor of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. I decided to do a walk to support awareness and raise money towards finding a cure and/or preventing the condition. Although I can say that in the past I have blamed myself in some sort of odd way for being a victim to this disorder or feeling inadequately made by my creator, I now know that it was never my fault and that God made me perfectly and that why this has happened to me now twice in my life is all but a bigger plan that I will someday know more about when I am laid at rest. What I know beyond all else is that my life has been incredibly blessed with two beautiful children and that my heart is at its happiest with the love I have for them. This walk I am doing, I feel, will sort of be a part of a healing process for me as well. I have sort of felt compelled to do this as well since the birth of my new two-week old daughter knowing that someday she will possibly face this condition as well as it can be hereditary. Last year I turned down doing this walk as it was too hard for me I feel emotionally to face up to the facts of what happened with the birth of my son and the emotional turbulence and shock of knowing my condition so I feel like I have made strides to do the walk this year and hope that I will continue on my journey of closure or peace.
For those of you who have never heard of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome (I never did either until it happened to me) is that Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period and affects both the mother and the unborn baby. Affecting at least 5-8% of all pregnancies, it is a rapidly progressive condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision are important symptoms; however, some women with rapidly advancing disease report few symptoms.
Typically, preeclampsia occurs after 20 weeks gestation (in the late 2nd or 3rd trimesters or middle to late pregnancy), though it can occur earlier. Proper prenatal care is essential to diagnose and manage preeclampsia. Preeclampsia, Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) and toxemia are closely related conditions. HELLP Syndrome and eclampsia are other manifestations of the same syndrome. It is important to note that research shows that more women die from preeclampsia than eclampsia and one is not necessarily more serious than the other.
Globally, preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal and infant illness and death. By conservative estimates, these disorders are responsible for 76,000 maternal and 500,000 infant deaths each year.
I developed pre-e and HELLP with my son suddenly in 2008 at 35 weeks into my pregnancy. I had a rare case of pre-e with non-typical signs of the disorder. I became very sick after my delivery as my liver was affected. I had to be on magnesium sulfate for a few days after giving birth to prevent me from having seizures. My son did well with only needing some breathing help the first day and a half. He is a normal, beautiful, average young 21 month old currently and is such a joy to raise.
I developed pre-e and HELLP with my daughter recently the last week of February, again in my 35th week of pregnancy. Thanfully, doctors caught it in its early stages and I was able to deliver (as delivery of the baby is the only cure for the condition) a beautiful, glowing baby girl who did fantastic after delivery not even needing breathing help. I was able to avoid being on drugs after delivery and had a much shorter stay in the hospital than my first birthing experience. My daughter is doing wonderful at home and is just a doll - can't wait to see what sugar and spice she brings to us!
Thank you for your encouragement. :)
Me again guys! If you have a few bucks to spare PLEASE donate to Jessie's walk :) Her goal is $100 and she is only $65 away! YAYYY Jessie! If you want to donate less than $15 just put choose OTHER in the donation box and you can enter in your own dollar amount. Every $1 helps and is much appreciated. And Ill make you a deal... for every $1 you donate to Jessies cause, Ill match it in a gift certificate to RockerByeBaby up to $20 per person... Give Jessie $15... Get a $15 GC for the shop. Cool!? COOL!