Christmas Wish Lists... Ms. Rozzlyn...

AHHHH! I could go on for hours and hours putting together all the things I would just LOVE LOVE LOVE to have for Ms. Rozzlyn. But I won't... Ill just put together my 5 favorites so you can drool over them with me too :)

Rocky The Zombie: Time for the next size up! 1/2 for Ms. Rozz!

Quinn: Because we CAN NOT have too many rag dolls :)

Wooden Name Puzzle: Because we want every wooden puzzle we can get our hands on... but we NEEEEED one that says Rozzlyn in cute pastels! :)
CaustinThreads: Because Cupcakes & Skulls are two of our favorite things. Pink in 18 months!

TwoChicksandaFish: Im so totally in love with these waldorf style unicorns... I think we need a white one with rainbow hair!

BellasLilBoutique: Rozz is getting to the age when she's interested in coloring... some nice big chunky crayons would be AWESOME for her to grab on to and scribble with.

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