Squarespace Blog / "skull crossbones"
I wish I wish I wish... for missyindustry
Im in love... and Ill take one of everything please from Missy Industry for my burf-day this month...
Misfit Necklace - $68.00
Poison Ring: $90.00
Sale... Brass Knuckles: $40.00
Eyelet Ring - $104.00
Sooooo yeah! Check out her shop - its amazing...
My friend Jen stands behind her 100% and has a lot of her items :)
Hopefully I can add some to my jewelry box soon!
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Misfit Necklace - $68.00

Poison Ring: $90.00

My custom Hot Mama Gown...
OMG OMG OMG - Love. For years now - I have daydreamed about having my own awesome custom Hot Mama Gown... as soon as I got pregnant I immediately contacted the mama behind the magic and we worked out a plan to get it rolling... Deidrea is super mom in my eyes... juggling her business, family, interviews, TV spots like Shark Tank... whatever she does, she rocks it... and when it came to my custom gown... *maybe Im biased* but its easily the coolest one she has ever made :)
I can't even begin to describe the excitement of the doorbell ringing and getting handed this box by Mr. UPS man... I swear my heart skipped a beat as soon as I realized what it was... I tore the box opened... drooled over the amazing packaging... and ripped open the sparkly hot pink tissue to find this <------- purely... awesomely... punky perfection... and in the perfect print... why? Because Ms. Rozzlyn has a matching blanket, onesie, and pacifier clip that I made her in this print... so of course we will be perfectly coordinating, and I can't be more excited about it...
Each Hot Mama Gown has some truly amazing features:
Also - if you're interested in your own custom Hot Mama Gown - all the info is here :)
"The custom order process goes a little something like this: Send us an email Sales@HotMamaGowns.com and tell us all about your idea. We’ll then discuss the final design and try our best to meet all your requests!"
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Each Hot Mama Gown has some truly amazing features:
- Hospital / Birthing Center friendly with short sleeves and a full coverage snap-open back
- Two ribbon-tied panels allow for quick and easy access for discreet nursing
"The custom order process goes a little something like this: Send us an email Sales@HotMamaGowns.com and tell us all about your idea. We’ll then discuss the final design and try our best to meet all your requests!"

Black & Red @ RockerByeBaby
Do you miss us already? We have pulled 90% of the cusom listings from the shop now... just bedding/nursery left... along with a hand full of ready to ship items in preparation of Ms. Rozzlyn's big debut. But don't be sad! There are still lots of good stuff's in the shop, and the good part of ready to ship blankets means you don't have to wait!

and as shown above... don't forget to add you monograms! Just $5 per letter.All items above are listed in our etsy shop...www.rockerbyebaby.etsy.com
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Giveaway Day! MEandREEKIE Skull Booties size newborn - 3t!
This weeks giveaway totally blew my mind. And, im SO sorry that it took me so long to get it going... its just been so crazy around here as you all know. BUT I hope you can all forgive me when you see this giveaway!!!
This week, we had the privilege of trying out a pair of black & white skull Booties from MEandREEKIE.

When I saw them in her shop, i thought they were quite possibly the cutest things i had ever seen. And at the time, her new little shop only had 19 sales!! I knew I could help to change that, and here we are. She graciously sent me the most amazing pair of shoes my boys have ever owned. The photos do not even do them justice. I opened up my package and honestly just couldn't believe it. The quality is by far some of the best I have seen on etsy... the materials? Top of the line... Every detail is perfection... "Boots have black cotton duckcloth on the outside (denimlike weight), soft, fuzzy, ivory fleece on the inside, next to the babies skin. Skull and crossbone ultrasuede applique are cut and sewn by me! Elastic in the back, around the ankle and a snap closure. Bottom is made of ultrasuede (ivory for smaller sizes, black for those over walking age). All seams are enclosed in bias tape to ensure the utmost comfort of your babies tootsies! These booties will not fall off! Guaranteed to last through your next child as well :) Available sizes, Newborn, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 months, and 2-3 years" When she mentions the "fleece" inside i really think its an understatement... to me its like a Minky Lambie... it is soft like butter... so squishy... so warm... and totally baby approved. How do I know? Because ever since they came in... zavery spends about 3/4 of his time wearing them.

The other night was a TOTAL meltdown because I took them off to change his diaper and put on jammies... footie Jammies... well he wasn't having ANY of that, and made me put the booties ON TOP of the footies... can you believe it? Its a true story. I couldn't help but laugh and think.. i totally have to mention this in the review, lol.
Not into the black and white skull booties? (is that possible? lol) Have no fear... there are SO many other options in her shop...
First off, the girlie version.... Pink with a gray skull.... ADORABLE!

You can create your own... Gray denim w/ your choice of fleece... "FLEECE CHOICES - please specify when ordering:
white, ivory, light yellow, bright yellow, light blue, aqua blue, navy blue, bright pink, tangerine, burnt orange, red, lime green, olive green, forest green, lavender, grape, burgundy, eggplant, brown, black."

And my personal favorite (aside from the b&w skulls) Is the black with the red check/houndstooth..

I really recommend these 100% to anyone with a kid in the newborn to 3 range. Zaq has even been requesting a pair for himself... first thing he said... I wish i could have skull booties like that!! Maria? Christmas perhaps? lol could ya make that happen?
Well anyways - I know what you guys want... your prolly thinking... GET TO THE GOOD PART! WHAT CAN I WIN!? Well, one of you lucky readers get to pick your choice of one pair ofbooties valued from $19-$22. Be it skulls, or flowers... or something custom... its just for you :) And obviously, you choose your size as well. Could it get any better? No way... :)
So go! Enter!! Win!!
Extra entries?? But of course :)
#1) Leave us a comment telling us your favorite Booties and which ones you would want to win!
#2) Follow us publicly here on (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a (old or new) follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :) Just be sure to include @RockerByeBaby in the tweet so we get it!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Leave an extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook...
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This week, we had the privilege of trying out a pair of black & white skull Booties from MEandREEKIE.
When I saw them in her shop, i thought they were quite possibly the cutest things i had ever seen. And at the time, her new little shop only had 19 sales!! I knew I could help to change that, and here we are. She graciously sent me the most amazing pair of shoes my boys have ever owned. The photos do not even do them justice. I opened up my package and honestly just couldn't believe it. The quality is by far some of the best I have seen on etsy... the materials? Top of the line... Every detail is perfection... "Boots have black cotton duckcloth on the outside (denimlike weight), soft, fuzzy, ivory fleece on the inside, next to the babies skin. Skull and crossbone ultrasuede applique are cut and sewn by me! Elastic in the back, around the ankle and a snap closure. Bottom is made of ultrasuede (ivory for smaller sizes, black for those over walking age). All seams are enclosed in bias tape to ensure the utmost comfort of your babies tootsies! These booties will not fall off! Guaranteed to last through your next child as well :) Available sizes, Newborn, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 months, and 2-3 years" When she mentions the "fleece" inside i really think its an understatement... to me its like a Minky Lambie... it is soft like butter... so squishy... so warm... and totally baby approved. How do I know? Because ever since they came in... zavery spends about 3/4 of his time wearing them.
The other night was a TOTAL meltdown because I took them off to change his diaper and put on jammies... footie Jammies... well he wasn't having ANY of that, and made me put the booties ON TOP of the footies... can you believe it? Its a true story. I couldn't help but laugh and think.. i totally have to mention this in the review, lol.
Not into the black and white skull booties? (is that possible? lol) Have no fear... there are SO many other options in her shop...
First off, the girlie version.... Pink with a gray skull.... ADORABLE!
You can create your own... Gray denim w/ your choice of fleece... "FLEECE CHOICES - please specify when ordering:
white, ivory, light yellow, bright yellow, light blue, aqua blue, navy blue, bright pink, tangerine, burnt orange, red, lime green, olive green, forest green, lavender, grape, burgundy, eggplant, brown, black."
And my personal favorite (aside from the b&w skulls) Is the black with the red check/houndstooth..
I really recommend these 100% to anyone with a kid in the newborn to 3 range. Zaq has even been requesting a pair for himself... first thing he said... I wish i could have skull booties like that!! Maria? Christmas perhaps? lol could ya make that happen?
Well anyways - I know what you guys want... your prolly thinking... GET TO THE GOOD PART! WHAT CAN I WIN!? Well, one of you lucky readers get to pick your choice of one pair ofbooties valued from $19-$22. Be it skulls, or flowers... or something custom... its just for you :) And obviously, you choose your size as well. Could it get any better? No way... :)
So go! Enter!! Win!!
Extra entries?? But of course :)
#1) Leave us a comment telling us your favorite Booties and which ones you would want to win!
#2) Follow us publicly here on (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a (old or new) follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :) Just be sure to include @RockerByeBaby in the tweet so we get it!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Leave an extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook...
You NEED this bib from Evelyn Kate - Free giveaway!
Wow - can I saw wow? Because this is definitely a wow kinda giveaway... I first started talking to EvelynKate back in MAY about a giveaway... BEcause I saw her shop and just fell in love... one thing led to another and we got off track and it didnt happen. Recently I contacted her about joining into the Gwen Stefani gift basket that I helped Melissa at Little Peanut Boutique host... she was thrilled to join in and we started talking again about the giveaway... and guess what, its happening... right... now... :)

I could tell just from the photos, that the quality coming out of this shop was amazing... Take a second to check it out... They have everything from standard waterproof bibs... to shirt bibs (my new favorites)... Diaper Duty's... Pacifinders... and more. Each item looks equally amazing... and seeing it in person just verified it even more. This week we got to try out one of their amazing shirt bibs. They come in a HUGe variety of prints... from modern... to retro... to my true loves ( skulls & bones :)

Lucky us, we got to try the amazing Regent Skulls print... ( again my favorite ) Upon trying this bib out, I have found my new obsession... and lemmie tell ya why.
#1: The bib is made to perfection... and im picky... Not a single stitch is out of place. Is amazing.
#2: Its full coverage... not like a bib that hits about the bottom of the ribs... so even the messiest eaters stay clean.
#3: BEcause its full coverage... Zavery ( who usually rips off bibs) doesn't even notice it, because its really like a tshirt.
#4: You can choose from three sizes of the bib... Size Large worked great for both Izzaq & Zavery @ ages 2 & 3 and will work for a long while yet...
#5: At the bottom is a little pocket... so that way the tumbly crumblies dont hit the floor or your lap.
#6: My favorite part, you dont even have to wash it... just grab a wet rag and wipe it down... you only need a couple to rotate... not a ton like most regular bibs that you have to wash over and over.
How great does this bib really work? See for yourself...

Notice the yogurt dripping down the front of Zave's cutesy So Cal Baby shirt...

and then notice the nice sparkly clean izzaq... :)
There is no way that he could get messy with that bib on! Do you know what this does for my life with 2 toddler boys!? Well, I was so beyond thrilled with this product that I ran out and bought another one :)

Did I mention it was even on sale!? I got this awesome bib for just $12.50 and now its only $12!!!
So, a little recap... its really hard for me to be passionate about finding a baby item... my whole business is based around baby items... and I can pretty much make anything I need... and if I cant? My girl Brooke can, haha But these bibs, I really totally 1,000% support them and what they do. To be completely honest, I wish I had thought of it first, haha. So go... shop... check out her store... buy if you can, i promose you wont regret it. Everything is totally reasonably priced... And they even have a nice Clearance section. Ill even give you an extra entry if you buy :) Oh, speaking of which.......... you probably want to know what you win!!
This weeks winner gets two prizes! A whopping $40 value. You get: One of the amazing t-shirt bibs in the Day of the Dead print below. Totally awesome and perfectly unisex so everyone is invited!

Also - the Diaper Duty... which we didnt talk much about... heres a clip from the listing...
"Our bag features a button closure and a snap on the strap to allow you to attach the bag to a stroller bar!
The bag holds:
*A red toile oilcloth changing pad 12"x16"(included)that folds up to fit inside (this is a compact pad meant to be placed under baby's lower half)
*your wipes case
*about 2-3 diapers"
Your prize:

Love it? Good, now go enter to win!
Extra entries?? But of course :)
#2) Follow us publicly here on (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a (old or new) follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :) Just be sure to leave us your Twitter name so we can check up!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Leave an extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Buy something from EvelynKate! Tell us what you got!
#6) Fan US on Facebook...
#7) Heart Their shop!!
#8) Heart/Favorite your favorite item in their Etsy Shop!! Spread that Etsy love!
#9) Go Bump this etsy thread! Then come back here an comment!!
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I could tell just from the photos, that the quality coming out of this shop was amazing... Take a second to check it out... They have everything from standard waterproof bibs... to shirt bibs (my new favorites)... Diaper Duty's... Pacifinders... and more. Each item looks equally amazing... and seeing it in person just verified it even more. This week we got to try out one of their amazing shirt bibs. They come in a HUGe variety of prints... from modern... to retro... to my true loves ( skulls & bones :)
Lucky us, we got to try the amazing Regent Skulls print... ( again my favorite ) Upon trying this bib out, I have found my new obsession... and lemmie tell ya why.
#1: The bib is made to perfection... and im picky... Not a single stitch is out of place. Is amazing.
#2: Its full coverage... not like a bib that hits about the bottom of the ribs... so even the messiest eaters stay clean.
#3: BEcause its full coverage... Zavery ( who usually rips off bibs) doesn't even notice it, because its really like a tshirt.
#4: You can choose from three sizes of the bib... Size Large worked great for both Izzaq & Zavery @ ages 2 & 3 and will work for a long while yet...
#5: At the bottom is a little pocket... so that way the tumbly crumblies dont hit the floor or your lap.
#6: My favorite part, you dont even have to wash it... just grab a wet rag and wipe it down... you only need a couple to rotate... not a ton like most regular bibs that you have to wash over and over.
How great does this bib really work? See for yourself...
Notice the yogurt dripping down the front of Zave's cutesy So Cal Baby shirt...
and then notice the nice sparkly clean izzaq... :)
There is no way that he could get messy with that bib on! Do you know what this does for my life with 2 toddler boys!? Well, I was so beyond thrilled with this product that I ran out and bought another one :)
Did I mention it was even on sale!? I got this awesome bib for just $12.50 and now its only $12!!!
So, a little recap... its really hard for me to be passionate about finding a baby item... my whole business is based around baby items... and I can pretty much make anything I need... and if I cant? My girl Brooke can, haha But these bibs, I really totally 1,000% support them and what they do. To be completely honest, I wish I had thought of it first, haha. So go... shop... check out her store... buy if you can, i promose you wont regret it. Everything is totally reasonably priced... And they even have a nice Clearance section. Ill even give you an extra entry if you buy :) Oh, speaking of which.......... you probably want to know what you win!!
This weeks winner gets two prizes! A whopping $40 value. You get: One of the amazing t-shirt bibs in the Day of the Dead print below. Totally awesome and perfectly unisex so everyone is invited!
Also - the Diaper Duty... which we didnt talk much about... heres a clip from the listing...
"Our bag features a button closure and a snap on the strap to allow you to attach the bag to a stroller bar!
The bag holds:
*A red toile oilcloth changing pad 12"x16"(included)that folds up to fit inside (this is a compact pad meant to be placed under baby's lower half)
*your wipes case
*about 2-3 diapers"
Your prize:
Love it? Good, now go enter to win!
Extra entries?? But of course :)
#2) Follow us publicly here on (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a (old or new) follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :) Just be sure to leave us your Twitter name so we can check up!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Leave an extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Buy something from EvelynKate! Tell us what you got!
#6) Fan US on Facebook...
#7) Heart Their shop!!
#8) Heart/Favorite your favorite item in their Etsy Shop!! Spread that Etsy love!
#9) Go Bump this etsy thread! Then come back here an comment!!