Squarespace Blog / "music"
And We Danced and Red City Radio
Tonight And We Danced played with Red City Radio at the Triple Rock... and IT. WAS. GLORIOUS. I had the pleasure of running around like a fan girl snapping photo after photo of the bands. Super happy with how they turned out so I thought I would share a few of them here!

If you have not yet had the pleasure of hearing either of them - check them out below.
Facebook - And We Danced
Facebook - Red City Radio
And We Danced...
My husband and some long times friends started a new band/project recently called And We Danced. They have released a couple songs as well as have some shirts available! Their EP is available for preorder! Click here for a killer deal... 7 song EP, Button and Sticker for just $6!

I wanted to take a quick second to give them a shout out. I have always enjoyed Zaq's music - but this is by far my favorite of all the things that he has done. You can find them on facebook here... while you're there you should give them a "like" They would appreciate it :) But before you commit... you're welcome to click play and listen to the first single!!

They really are an amazing group of guys... coming together from "Past and present members of Cadillac Blindside, The Jealous Sound, The Stereo, Gratitude and Crash/Burn/Repeat." Hearing them for the first time was one of those *ah-ha* moments... and I wanted to shake them for not doing this years ago!! But they are now and that's what matters! Thanks for taking the time to listen and we hope you love it! Tell your friends - and if you REALLY love it - comment letting them know where you want them to book a show near you!
Black & Red @ RockerByeBaby

Thursdays Tunes - Hurricane J, The Hold Steady
Jesse, I'm not joking around.
I see the crowd you're hanging with.
Those kids don't seem positive.
Don't all the cigs make you tired?
You know I'll never ask you to change.
I'll only ask you to try.
I know you're gonna do what I know you're gonna do.
But twenty-two and banging around in restaurants
Isn't that much prettier than banging around in bars.
Why do you keep going to his car?
I don't want this to stop.
I want you to know.
I don't want you to settle.
I want you to grow.
Forget all the boys that you met at the harbor.
They're too hard already.
They'll only get harder.
Jesse, let's go for a ride.
I know a place that we could stop.
I know a place that we could drink and kiss for a while.
I know a place that always makes you smile.
I know you're gonna say what I know you're gonna say.
I know you'll look around at the ground.
I know you'll probably cry.
You're a beautiful girl and you're a pretty good waitress.
But Jesse I don't think I'm the guy.
I don't want this to stop.
I want you to know.
I don't want you to settle.
I want you to grow.
Forget everything that I showed you this summer.
You're too hard already.
You'll only get harder.
But they didn't name her for a saint.
They named her for a storm.
So how is she supposed to think about
How it's gonna feel in the morning?
She said if heaven's hypothetical
And if the cigs keep you warm.
Then how is she supposed to think about
How it's gonna move in the morning?
About how it's gonna move in the morning?
About how it's gonna move in the morning?
Hurricane Jesse's gonna crash into the harbor this summer.
She don't want to wait til she gets older.
Hurricane Jesse's gonna crash into the harbor this summer.
She don't want to wait.
She said it only gets harder

Mentoring Mondays: Who I Am
Post 2 from the amazing Adam Thurston... LOVING this new segment :) And I know the followers are too!! Thanks, Adam, for sharing with my readers and I... even though we're so far away... it will be like we've been there all along... :) p.s. you can find his blog here... follow him :)
Mentoring MondaysTeaching you to be a lady while you teach me to be a dad.
Who I am.
Well, as stated previously, I’m your dad. The only one you’re gonna get. That is, unless the mailman and your mom come clean. So I figured it’d be a good idea for you to know a little about me. My name is Adam but you can call me “dad.” I’m an Aquarius and I like cars, music, and penning the occasional word to paper. What this means to you is that you can count on having a large wealth of music and instruments at your disposal. You understand, of course, that I’ll have to wait until you’re a bit older before I hand over my guitars but until then, plan on having your old man play and sing for you all the time. I can’t wait to show you some of my favorite songs. Even more fun will be when you discover some favorites of your own and show them to me. In time, I think you’ll find that music (along with writing literature) can be an ultimate form of expression and impression. It was so powerful it grabbed me and shook me dry when I was eleven and I’ve never since looked back. I think you’ll see much of the same. The great thing about music is that there is a tune for every mood you’re feeling. I could list some of mine but then I wouldn’t be letting you find your own. Oh, okay! Twist my arm, why don’t ya?! Here are some good starters: For the sunshines: Beatles (anything ‘63-’67) Their whole era was (and remains) utterly phenomenal but all of your basic rock and pop moods can be found there. For the blues: Hmm. So much to choose from. Let’s start with Otis Redding. The man could make a statue cry and he didn’t go out by OD’ing, shooting himself, or stabbing himself in the heart. We have plenty of times to go over the “tortured artist” arena. For the “I just want to rock out and go nuts!” Look no further than The Who. They’ll cover all the bases for you. If you’re ever in the mood of “I just want to rock out and go nuts but with a political bent,” then steer your attention to The Clash or Fugazi. Both are great but you’ll need a pair of Doc Martens to pull off the look. Come find me and I’ll buy you a pair. Cars. I’m not going to hold my breath but maybe you’ll be the next Danica Patrick and will want to help me drop a K20A into my car. If not, that’s cool too. Just know that you’re always invited to my wrenching sessions. Which brings us to our first Mentoring Moment: You’re never to not be allowed somewhere because you’re a girl. There are a few noticeable exceptions to this statement. I.e. men’s bathrooms/locker rooms, and Klan meetings. That said, if you want to wrench on the car with me, just say the word. Wanna throw the ball around? Just grab my glove. “But dad! That’s not girl-stuff,“ you exclaim. No problem, sweetie. One of the great things about our western, modern society is that you can be pretty much be whomever you want to be and still be a woman. Pretty cool eh?! Now there are some things I’d rather you NOT be. These include, but are not limited to, Nazi, racist, bigot, white trash, drug addict, stinking drunk, prostitute, stripper or cheer leader (which is really just an underage stripper without the pole). Alright, your mom just read that and said “Every girl wants to be a cheerleader!” Just heads-up, kid; your mom is crazy. Remember it’s just you and me. The only sane ones in the room. Moving on to reading and writing. These are two biggies for me, Maddie. Your Pop is not the smartest tool in the shed but these are so important in so many ways. When you start reading and what you read will become stepping stools for the rest of your life. Simply, the earlier you start reading, the smarter you’re going to be. You’re going to have that much more comprehension towards everything from books to conversations. Your reading level will be off the chart and your conversational and oratory skills will be unmatched. And all because we were reading Charlotte’s Web when you were six months old and crapping your pants. Pretty cool, right?! All you have to do is lie in my arms and drool and I’ll do the rest. As you get older, you’ll find that you like the art of stories and reading. The satisfaction of getting through a story without a television or a movie screen force feeding it down your eyes and throat. A book is always going to be your ultimate friend. Besides me, of course. You can take a book anywhere. You can read it anywhere. Except funerals. For whatever reason, that tends to piss people off. You can always fall asleep to a book and it’s always right where you left off in the morning. They’re great ice breakers for conversing with new people. (and you’ll always seem smart! Madeline FTW!) Also, the more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the better equipped for life you are! Look at your mother. She doesn’t read books and up until last year, she thought her car had two gas tanks. One main tank, and another for when that one was empty. “My car needs gas. It’s on it’s second tank.” “Second tank of what?” “It’s on it’s second tank. My gas gauge is on ‘R’ meaning it’s on the reserve tank.” “…Are you serious?” “What else would it mean?!” “Uh…maybe ‘Refuel.’” So, Maddie, that’s your mother. She’s really sweet and kind and can’t wait to meet you too. So hurry up and get here, will ya?! We have so much to show you.
-I love you, Madeline. -Your Dad