Squarespace Blog / "maternity"

Sigh... here we go again.

Sorry for my lack of posting - its just been chaotic around here... between working like a crazy woman, juggling toddlers, calling lawyers, organizing paperwork for insurance, trying to keep up my house, etc... its just been crazy. So many things have happened this week... and yet, I feel like we're no closer to having this baby girl.. and the pressure is officially on. So here is the update:

Zaq's unemployment went through, YAY! One HUGE thing off the panic list... it buys us some time (literally) to adjust to life with baby #3 without having to totally panic about how we will pay out mortgage. So I am very thankful for that. He has already been looking for another job, but at least we're not in a total rush now.

As soon as he was notified of the unemployment, I rushed down to the office to put together my state insurance packet... this took me about 3 hours start to finish. Wow, between bank statements, check stubs, birth certificates, and much more... it was insane! So the next morning after having it all together... I went down to the office at 8:30 am... was person number 4 in line, and ready to meet with someone to get an answer. Only to find out that I was mis-informed and wouldn't not get an immediate answer. I had to wait 10-15 days... and there was no way to get a (you should get it) because we are right on the border of the maximums. When I explained to the woman, "but I don't have 15 days... my due date was October 21st, she could come any day..." She looked at me like the stupidest person on earth and said "you're telling me you're already past your due date and you're just now bringing in your packet?" I swear I wanted to punch her... as if I had planned for my family to be in this situation... as if I was just sitting around being lazy and thought, oh hey, maybe I should have insurance for this delivery. I didn't have a choice... I HAD to wait until we had an answer from unemployment to give accurate income information or they would have just sent it back... Ugh. How rude...

Which now brings be to stress point #3: Baby.
Now that I have no guarantee about insurance... and can't risk thousands of dollars in medical bills, we have to have this baby & be out of the hospital by the night of October 31st. Today is October 27th - do the math... My birth plan is pretty much out the window... thanks Best Buy. This situation has taken control of so many aspects of my life... its just unfair... lawsuit, charges, whatever - nothing changes this experience... nothing will bring back this child birth... I don't get a do-over. I got one shot... and now its rushed. Im supposed to be waiting for my baby girl to make her arrival... going through all the natural steps to get a natural child birth... I had my membranes stripped again today with minimal results. The best news was that Im about 4 cm dilated... sadly, its not where I need to be. I need to be in full on labor to avoid the Sunday induction that has now been scheduled... Apparently the lawyer thinks we can add this to our case. Because of the emotional aspect of it all... and because of the fact that my safer natural water birth will now be one full of hospital intervention, monitors and pitocin. Great - but it still doesn't get me what I want.

SO yeah, thats where we are right now... in a whirlwind of chaos... baby Rozzlyn will be here Monday at the latest... that's about the best news I have to share right now.. I want to thank everyone for their support while we go through all of this... There have been so many kind words, thoughts & prayers sent our way... it means a lot. I know everything happens for a reason... and Im trying to stay oh so positive... Im just kinda hitting a wall with the optimism... physically and emotionally exhausted and starting to break down a bit. *just keep swimming... just keep swimming*

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My custom Hot Mama Gown...

OMG OMG OMG - Love. For years now - I have daydreamed about having my own awesome custom Hot Mama Gown... as soon as I got pregnant I immediately contacted the mama behind the magic and we worked out a plan to get it rolling... Deidrea is super mom in my eyes... juggling her business, family, interviews, TV spots like Shark Tank... whatever she does, she rocks it... and when it came to my custom gown... *maybe Im biased* but its easily the coolest one she has ever made :)
 I can't even begin to describe the excitement of the doorbell ringing and getting handed this box by Mr. UPS man... I swear my heart skipped a beat as soon as I realized what it was... I tore the box opened... drooled over the amazing packaging... and ripped open the sparkly hot pink tissue to find this <------- purely... awesomely... punky perfection... and in the perfect print... why? Because Ms. Rozzlyn has a matching blanket, onesie, and pacifier clip that I made her in this print... so of course we will be perfectly coordinating, and I can't be more excited about it...
Each Hot Mama Gown has some truly amazing features:

  • Hospital / Birthing Center friendly with short sleeves and a full coverage snap-open back
  • Two ribbon-tied panels allow for quick and easy access for discreet nursing
Plenty of room for a growing belly... and perfectly comfy & cozy for both before & after pregnancy. Saying I am excited to show it off in the delivery room is a total understatement... so be sure to check back soon, as of COURSE I will have to take a bajillion pictures actually wearing it :)
Also - if you're interested in your own custom Hot Mama Gown - all the info is here :)
"The custom order process goes a little something like this: Send us an email Sales@HotMamaGowns.com and tell us all about your idea. We’ll then discuss the final design and try our best to meet all your requests!"

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Maybe baby? Someday? Please?!?!

Im starting to wonder if this little lady is ever going to get out... Hubby keeps telling me "don't worry, eventually she HAS to come out"... but I am really starting to question this theory... At this point I think her little butt is so deeply wedged up into my ribs that it may actually be stuck in there... and she has been punching so hard into my insides... that maybe she punched her little hand right through my stomach... or maybe my kidney... and I think they might be holding her hostage... So maybe she won't come out... maybe I will blink and have a 5 year old living in there... boy would I ever be lopsided... Can you imagine a little Izzaq balled up underneath my favorite hoodie?

Alright, maybe Im being a little dramatic... Im sure she is going to come out eventually... and Im not even to my due date yet - so maybe I should settle down a little bit... eat my cereal... work... snuggle my boys... and take a chill pill... but we all know that whole "relax" thing isn't so much in my vocabulary as is "running like a crazy person"... most people would be on their maternity leave by now... soaking in the last bits of pre-baby time they have left... but you know me better than that... the other day someone asked me if I planned to work all the way through my labor, haha... knowing me - if I could I would... but I think the birthing tub could make that complicated, so I guess not... but - Ill be working till I can't anymore, thats for sure... still lots to do, though I am getting there... I am down to 68 orders... and I havn't been there since we went to Vegas - and that was in July... so I am pretty proud of that :) And I just keep chug-chug-chugging away! Well - I hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday morning... Its chilly here... but perfect weather for the car show & wedding we have in the plans today. Have a great day - and send me all the "get that baby out" vibes that you can spare. :)
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"OUR" wedding Photographers, AE Photography are in town for a week!!

Check it out - i stole this from their blog so you can share in the deals... to ANY of you in the Minneapolis area - i urge you to JUMP at this deal :)

do you live in or around minneapolis?  would you like a session done by ae?  day after, trash the dress, fashion bridal, senior, boudoir, engagement, family, baby, maternity, child, loveshoot, product, business, or just a fun portrait shoot??  well, you're in luck!  since we will be there already, there will be no travel fees (within a reasonable distance from minneapolis), and we will be offering shoots at the discounted price of:$250 -- which includes a full photo disc with every image and release rights to print whenever and wherever you would like!*1-2 hours of shoot time*full photo disc*complete editing + retouching for every image*online gallery for you, family & friends to view and order prints (if you'd like)*$50 print credit to be used within 1 week of your gallery being fully posted.  good for prints, products & albums.sessions are typically $499 with your choice of photo disc, prints or an album--and you may add on all 3 at an additional charge... so this is a great deal.why are we doing this?!because we are dying to shoot in this lovely spring weather.because we LOVE shooting in new locations.because we will be on a mini vacation, so we will be in extra good moods!because we have a lot of new, fun ideas we are just thrilled about bringing to life!because we love taking pictures... all the time, simple as that.SO -- if you're interested in booking a session from the 21st of March to the 27th, email us RIGHT NOW (because it's, like, next week!) and let's get your scheduled!   limited slots available. more details will be sent out when we hear from you.  feel free to email us with any questions you might have before actually booking.  we look forward to hopefully having fun photographing some of you!!happy spring!
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Mentoring Monday: One day at a time... Week 8

Hey all! Another day in the life... sometimes I'm sick in the morning... sometimes in the evening.... sometimes if I'm REALLY crazy lucky - not really at all! But... mostly just sick, haha. Hoping it will pass soon... The boys are off at nana & papa's as of yesterday, so its giving me some time to balance relaxing & working - which is already helping a ton... Its hard though, I miss them like CRAZY! I caught myself watching a bunch of their baby videos... made me sad, but even more excited about the new baby on the way... ugh, babies are so fun!! And cute, and messy, and they don't talk back like toddlers do, lol
 Either way... I love and miss them OODLES! But I know they're having a great time... Yesterday they went to the library, and hung out at grandma cookies house... and played with their Auntie Ashley & Uncle Austin... So, even though Im a little whiney about it, I'm so glad they have the opportunity to be there... I hate that we're so far from our family, so it's times like this that we have to take advantage of. Hopefully, at the end of the 3 weeks I can go spend a few days back home so I can see the fam too... and maybe even let this rub on this quickly growing belly. As of right now I have lost 3 pounds since I found out I was pregnant, and I just keep getting bigger!! Zaq says Im gunna be huge this time, i think he's right :)

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