Squarespace Blog / "minneapolis"
We're going to Gabba Land!!
This time Wednesday we will be gearing up in our favorite Gabba clothes to head over to the Orpheum theatre in Minneapolis. Why do you ask?! To see Yo Gabba Gabba Live! I can't even explain to you how excited we are for this opportunity! You know you are truely a domesticated mama when you get more excited about Getting the Sillies out with Yo Gabba Gabba and you're family than a dinner/date night with the husband (sorry babe). Read below for more details - and follow the link to see when they're coming to a city near you!
YO GABBA GABBA! LIVE! GET THE SILLIES OUT! Tour at the Orpheum Jan. 16th
The sillies are crazy little creatures that live inside of us and need to be shaken out! DJ Lance Rock and everyone’s favorite cast of colorful characters are calling all fans in Cincinnati to get ready to jump, shake and shimmy them out at the new live tour Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE!: Get the Sillies Out!. Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE!: Get The Sillies Out! tour will visit more than 50 cities across the U.S. in 2013. Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE! is touring in support of their first national beverage launch, a new line of toys, a new line of kids sportswear and a DVD/ CD collectors' edition.
For a complete list of tour dates, cities and show times, and a preview of the show, visit www.yogabbagabbalive.com
Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE!: Get the Sillies Out! will be in Minneapolis on Wed., Jan. 16th for two shows (3:00pm and 6:00pm). CLICK HERE for ticket information. Tickets start at $25.00. VIP Party packages are available as well which include a ticket in the first 15 Rows, a pass to "Get the Sillies Out" in the private VIP room featuring a super fun party with the Gabba Gang (costumed characters) and more. Children under 1 year old do not require a paid ticket to sit on a parent's lap.
Yo Gabba Gabba! is an award-winning, live-action television series and live stage show whose unconventional formula has created a triple stacked fan base, making it one of the most popular entertainment properties among preschoolers, parents and indie music lovers alike. The television show, now in its fourth season, airs several times a day on Nick Jr.
Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE!: Get the Sillies Out! marks the third tour for the successful Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE! concert series. The first tour, Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE!: There’s a Party in My City!, launched with a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and a performance at the White House in 2010. Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE! 2010 tour played to sold out venues in 60 cities. Yo Gabba Gabba! LIVE!: It’s Time to Dance! enjoyed repeat success in 2011, energizing audiences across North America at over 120 shows.

Bring your baby to work day...
Had an awesome time going to see Motion City Soundtrack last night... They were amazing as usual and I loved hearing all the new tunes. But I gotta say... my favorite part of the show was when Josh's daughter Dot came out to play.
She absolutely just adored watching him play...

Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this one I took...

And this one was the beginning of the Dot dance party :) "Bring your daughter to work day with @motioncitysoundtrack @motioncitymusic. (photo @joelemke)"

Dot had been around this scene since she was only weeks old... I remember holding her first time on the back of the MCS bus... so teeny tiny, a full head of dark hair and wrapped up in RockerByeBaby... man, TIME FLIES!

"OUR" wedding Photographers, AE Photography are in town for a week!!
Check it out - i stole this from their blog so you can share in the deals... to ANY of you in the Minneapolis area - i urge you to JUMP at this deal :)

do you live in or around minneapolis? would you like a session done by ae? day after, trash the dress, fashion bridal, senior, boudoir, engagement, family, baby, maternity, child, loveshoot, product, business, or just a fun portrait shoot?? well, you're in luck! since we will be there already, there will be no travel fees (within a reasonable distance from minneapolis), and we will be offering shoots at the discounted price of:$250 -- which includes a full photo disc with every image and release rights to print whenever and wherever you would like!*1-2 hours of shoot time*full photo disc*complete editing + retouching for every image*online gallery for you, family & friends to view and order prints (if you'd like)*$50 print credit to be used within 1 week of your gallery being fully posted. good for prints, products & albums.sessions are typically $499 with your choice of photo disc, prints or an album--and you may add on all 3 at an additional charge... so this is a great deal.why are we doing this?!because we are dying to shoot in this lovely spring weather.because we LOVE shooting in new locations.because we will be on a mini vacation, so we will be in extra good moods!because we have a lot of new, fun ideas we are just thrilled about bringing to life!because we love taking pictures... all the time, simple as that.SO -- if you're interested in booking a session from the 21st of March to the 27th, email us RIGHT NOW (because it's, like, next week!) and let's get your scheduled! limited slots available. more details will be sent out when we hear from you. feel free to email us with any questions you might have before actually booking. we look forward to hopefully having fun photographing some of you!!happy spring!
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do you live in or around minneapolis? would you like a session done by ae? day after, trash the dress, fashion bridal, senior, boudoir, engagement, family, baby, maternity, child, loveshoot, product, business, or just a fun portrait shoot?? well, you're in luck! since we will be there already, there will be no travel fees (within a reasonable distance from minneapolis), and we will be offering shoots at the discounted price of:$250 -- which includes a full photo disc with every image and release rights to print whenever and wherever you would like!*1-2 hours of shoot time*full photo disc*complete editing + retouching for every image*online gallery for you, family & friends to view and order prints (if you'd like)*$50 print credit to be used within 1 week of your gallery being fully posted. good for prints, products & albums.sessions are typically $499 with your choice of photo disc, prints or an album--and you may add on all 3 at an additional charge... so this is a great deal.why are we doing this?!because we are dying to shoot in this lovely spring weather.because we LOVE shooting in new locations.because we will be on a mini vacation, so we will be in extra good moods!because we have a lot of new, fun ideas we are just thrilled about bringing to life!because we love taking pictures... all the time, simple as that.SO -- if you're interested in booking a session from the 21st of March to the 27th, email us RIGHT NOW (because it's, like, next week!) and let's get your scheduled! limited slots available. more details will be sent out when we hear from you. feel free to email us with any questions you might have before actually booking. we look forward to hopefully having fun photographing some of you!!happy spring!

Note to Self Saturday: Snow
Snow, ugh. I dont think anyone actually "prefers" snow over sandy beaches... sunsets over the mountains... 65 degree temps all year round... etc. But that's what we gave up to come back home. So far its been pretty easy to stay positive... somehow spinning the need to spend an hour shoveling the drive as "a good workout"... and the below zero temps as an excuse to stay in and snuggle and drink whiskey ciders... and well, you know what they say around here... "the cold keeps the @$$holes away"... LOL
But wow... this last round of blizzardy conditions has been trying for sure. By the end of tonight we are looking at -30 degrees F with the windchill... and 18-20 inches of snow... ZaQ shoveled once last night... once this morning... and just a few hours later it needs to be done again... I'm locked into the house with the kids... can't get to the post office to pick up my tags or drop off packages... and I keep having to shovel the backyard a bit just so the puppies can go out to go potty... *note: California bred puppies do NOT like Minnesota winters* And to top it all off, the boys have some sort of crazed caged animal instinct that has taken over... and they are off the wall bonkers. LITERALLY running laps in my house screaming like a pack of wild wolves... asking me every 30 seconds if they can go play in the snow... how do you explain to a 3 & 4 year old that if they go out there, their little faces could LITERALLY freeze right off... "IzzaQ, do you like your nose? or your ears?... Ok, well if you would like to keep them, we should probably wait to go play outside for another day... when its a little warmer like it was last week. You know... like 15 degrees..." *head/desk* But really, who doesn't love a good blizzard?
You get to drink whiskey, eat lots of warm comfort food. (ie. the pot roast in my crock pot right now...) and you get to think of creative ways to stay warm and burn energy... hence, the reason so many babies are born in August, September & October around here, lol Izzaq = October Baby... Zavery = September..... WHAT!? IT WAS A COLD COUPLE OF YEARS! Anyways, Minneapolis, I love you... i really do... but couldn't you have been a little more gentle on us after our first winter back from CA? We really would have appreciated it... But i know, i know... it'll all be worth it that first spring day... having breakfast & mimosas out on the patio at the CC Club. Everyone coming out of hibernation... saying hello to strangers with big smiles on their faces... taking Maddie & The Boys to the playground... Riding bikes around the city... and opening day at Target Field with my 3 favorite boys... I guess 4 (Tom, your alright, too... ill keep you around.) With that in mind, California... Angst for the memories... you've got nuttin' on Minneapolis. Midwest girl for life.
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Gone for two whole weeks... DID YOU MISS ME!?
Wow... after an entire day of traveling on two different planes, layovers... tons of baggage... oh and with two toddlers... we are finally home... tomorrow daddy has off to help us settle back into the routine... and Friday is a day with the babies... then Saturday back to the grind... I gotta say - its good to be back in our own place & space... but man do i wish our space was in Minneapolis... were really homesick :( Just trying to make the best of it all...
On a positive note... seeing my family was a blast... it had been a year since I was hope and it was very much needed...
Tom & Jody's wedding was AMAZING... we all had so much fun together... and I met alot of new people that I look forward to hanging with in the future...
We FINALLY got to go to a baseball game at the brand spankin' new Target Field... and in true Izzaq fashion... he was up on the big screen by the 4th inning.
AND i finally got to meet Maddie :) I kissed her and hugged her and squeezed her for all of you...
Now obviously... all of that made it extremely hard to leave... so... Ill be counting the days until i can get home for good... maybe someday.
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On a positive note... seeing my family was a blast... it had been a year since I was hope and it was very much needed...
Tom & Jody's wedding was AMAZING... we all had so much fun together... and I met alot of new people that I look forward to hanging with in the future...