Squarespace Blog / "motion city soundtrack"

Bring your baby to work day...

Had an awesome time going to see Motion City Soundtrack last night... They were amazing as usual and I loved hearing all the new tunes. But I gotta say... my favorite part of the show was when Josh's daughter Dot came out to play.
She absolutely just adored watching him play...

Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this one I took...
And this one was the beginning of the Dot dance party :) "Bring your daughter to work day with @motioncitysoundtrack @motioncitymusic. (photo @joelemke)"

Dot had been around this scene since she was only weeks old... I remember holding her first time on the back of the MCS bus... so teeny tiny, a full head of dark hair and wrapped up in RockerByeBaby... man, TIME FLIES!
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Favorites Friday: Best Bands

A favorites Friday post revolving around all my favorite band goodies on etsy? Yeah... THAT. JUST. HAPPENED. Now I need to go shopping, lol

#1:Supapun - Misfits Top
#2: dwitt75 - Triple Rock 10th Anniversary Poster
#3: Smarmyclothes - Custom Handmade Hoodie Top
#4: RockerByeBaby - Super special blanket I made for Josh, of Motion City Soundtrack
#5: JPFlexner - Alkaline Trio Poster
#6: Boobercakes - Less Than Jake tube dress
#7: Nitrostore - Dropkick Murphies Tshirt
#8: dwitt75 - Silversun Pickups & Against me gigposter
#9: AzureeAlice - My Chemical Romance Bracelet
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Thursdays Tunes: THIS IS FOR REAL!

GOING TO SEE MOTION CITY SOUNDTRACK SATURDAY NIGHT at First Ave!! Its only been my 52,000th time.... but it never gets old ;)

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My shoe was on National Television! lol

Check it out! Remember when we went to Warped Tour to hang with Motion City Soundtrack? They were filming on the bus for Fuse... watch it! Thats my shoe mostly... but Im sitting on the couch holding Joshua Cain's baby Dot :) Im such a geek... but thought it was pretty cool :)

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Thursdays Tunes: Motion City Soundtrack

*drool* I dunno if any of you know this, but i LOVE me some Motion City Soundtrack... Ill never forget the first time that zaq took me to meet them... we went back on their bus and i was totally geeking out. So much so that I just sat in silence... lol and I looked down, and like a TOTAL dork... realized that I had brought my Motion City purse... lame, lol now, this was years ago, and they have come SO far... Theyre more popular than ever and just keep putting out amazing records... and I like to think Im a little less geeky when we get to hang out. Though, matt still makes me melt... lol *blush* oh oh oh! And I will be making Josh & Jill some AMAZING crib bedding for their lil future bun... yay! anyways... this weeks Thursdays Tunes goes out to my lovers... Motion City Soundtrack... if you don't have their new record, GO GET IT!! I just bought it for Zaq (aka myself) for Valentines Day.. And if you dont have any of the others... go get those too :) Follow em on twitter & Fan em on FaceBook... Now - onto my loves... many this week :) Too much love...

The zaq & tg song... My Favorite Accident....
""So we were an accident... You’ll always be my favorite one""

below... our "favorite accident" tattoos...

One of my top 10 Fav. songs of all time...

Loving this acoustic version of "Disappear"

But of course the regular version is super rad too... but I cant find a video to embed *pouts* So thats a little sampling of my love for MCS... many more amazing songs... and many many more to come im sure... thanks for being awesome guys :)
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