Squarespace Blog / "cloth"
Giveaway #2 - Nifty Nappy... a must have for your dryer balls.
With all the awesomeness we have to give away... its hard to pick which order! But since we just posted the Buddha Bunz giveaway... it seemed totally obvious that the NIfty Nappy giveaway just had to come next!! If you're a cloth diapering mama - then you just have to have a set of Budda Bunz dryer balls to quicken your dry time and leave them feeling soft and smelling fresh... and if you're a cloth diapering mama - then you HAVE to have some Nifty Nappy diapers!

Since Nifty Nappy launched they have sold thousands and thousands of diapers... they are now closing, but never fear... you can still get them all over... AND they are even selling the pattern so you could make them yourself if you wanted! Nifty Nappy is also still selling them on their fan page as they have overstock... and Vilate is always shouting out to the shops that still carry them as well...
I believe the final count on my diaper stash includes around 10+ diapers (some newborns, some one size... and some pockets)... and 5 Woolie Wraps. "The Nifty Nappy diaper is a one size (OS) diaper. It is made to fit from 7 lbs. to 35 lbs. The versatility of a OS diaper saves you money because you have to buy fewer sets of diapers over the course of cloth diapering. They are also great with multiple kiddos as you can use it on your 3 month old and your 2 year old." My favorite part about the NN one size diaper is their super trim lay in soaker... In order for some diapers to be absorbent, they have to be bulky and full of layers... but the NN diaper is so thin and does just as well if not better than the big guys. Another of our favorites is the NN pocket... if you don't like fitteds and covers, its the way to go... You still get the super cute print of a fitted... but a thin layer of PUL keeps it waterproof. So you don't have to worry about Covers or Woolie Wraps... But the cutest of all? This adorable one size Owl diaper!! Its the one that will be headed to Sarah, AND the one that we're giving away!!
How to win: *must do the first three things, and leave them in separate comments below* all other entries are for extra's.
#1: Fan Nifty Nappy on Facebook.
#2: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#3: If you're a cloth diapering mama like Sarah, share with us you're FAVORITE diaper brand. If you're not... tell us why you want to try the Nifty Nappy!
*all #'s below are extra*
#4: Follow Nifty Nappy on Twitter
#5: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter
#6: Follow the Nifty Nappy Blog.
***ONCE MORE - EACH COMMENT MUST BE LEFT SEPARATELY TO BE COUNTED!**** Also, be sure to leave us you're email in one of the comments so we can contact you :)
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Since Nifty Nappy launched they have sold thousands and thousands of diapers... they are now closing, but never fear... you can still get them all over... AND they are even selling the pattern so you could make them yourself if you wanted! Nifty Nappy is also still selling them on their fan page as they have overstock... and Vilate is always shouting out to the shops that still carry them as well...
How to win: *must do the first three things, and leave them in separate comments below* all other entries are for extra's.
#1: Fan Nifty Nappy on Facebook.
#2: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#3: If you're a cloth diapering mama like Sarah, share with us you're FAVORITE diaper brand. If you're not... tell us why you want to try the Nifty Nappy!
*all #'s below are extra*
#4: Follow Nifty Nappy on Twitter
#5: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter
#6: Follow the Nifty Nappy Blog.
***ONCE MORE - EACH COMMENT MUST BE LEFT SEPARATELY TO BE COUNTED!**** Also, be sure to leave us you're email in one of the comments so we can contact you :)

Swinger Sunday - "Oh Noes!!"
Welcome this weeks Swinger, @fentonslee!
In raising Snapdragon, I have done a lot of "greening" of our daily routine. My goal is to spend less, give him less exposure to nasty grosstastic chemicals, keep his carbon footprint as small as his little foot, and set a good example.
So we breastfeed. We use cloth diapers. We use cloth wipes. We hang dry when it's sunny, and sometimes when it's not.
How many trees have been clear cut for his baby? I thought none.
But he has a runny nose.
An icky gicky squicky runny nose.
A sad bad and definitely not rad runny nose.
And what am I to do? Wipe it of course.
Well, then I kissed and loved and hugged on him too much. Now I have a runny nose. A yucky mucky unlucky runny nose.
Now, if you breastfeed, I'm sure you're familiar with being pinned beneath a nursing baby and needing to blow your nose. Well, I couldn't reach any tissues or even a friendly roll of toilet paper. But I could reach the cloth wipes, and in a moment of desperation, I used one to wipe my nose.
News flash. It worked. It worked, didn't hurt, and since then has washed up just lovely.
So the runny nose has a new thought running through my head.
Bring back the hanky.
Oh, and I'm a little embarassed that we got sidetracked with the whole disposable thing to start with.
So we're going to do this, and if you think "ew, cloth nose wipes, that's gross..."
No, "it'snot"...

Thanks so much doll for your post! I have SOO been there before too :) Hence, the reason Booger Bashers were born... Ill have to send you some... that way, your not accidentally wiping boogers with poo, lol cuz that would be just yucky. ;)
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In raising Snapdragon, I have done a lot of "greening" of our daily routine. My goal is to spend less, give him less exposure to nasty grosstastic chemicals, keep his carbon footprint as small as his little foot, and set a good example.
So we breastfeed. We use cloth diapers. We use cloth wipes. We hang dry when it's sunny, and sometimes when it's not.
How many trees have been clear cut for his baby? I thought none.
But he has a runny nose.
An icky gicky squicky runny nose.
A sad bad and definitely not rad runny nose.
And what am I to do? Wipe it of course.
Well, then I kissed and loved and hugged on him too much. Now I have a runny nose. A yucky mucky unlucky runny nose.
Now, if you breastfeed, I'm sure you're familiar with being pinned beneath a nursing baby and needing to blow your nose. Well, I couldn't reach any tissues or even a friendly roll of toilet paper. But I could reach the cloth wipes, and in a moment of desperation, I used one to wipe my nose.
News flash. It worked. It worked, didn't hurt, and since then has washed up just lovely.
So the runny nose has a new thought running through my head.
Bring back the hanky.
Oh, and I'm a little embarassed that we got sidetracked with the whole disposable thing to start with.
So we're going to do this, and if you think "ew, cloth nose wipes, that's gross..."
No, "it'snot"...
Thanks so much doll for your post! I have SOO been there before too :) Hence, the reason Booger Bashers were born... Ill have to send you some... that way, your not accidentally wiping boogers with poo, lol cuz that would be just yucky. ;)


And that winner of entry 185
J TiBBS said...
This is such a wonderful giveaway. I would love to win because I have two kids in diapers and am always looking to find new diapers to try out. We are a mainly prefold family minus a couple here and there. I love the Smarti Pants, these are fantastic diapers and such a good price, especially when you have two that need diapers. Thanks so much for offering all these wonderful prizes!
And, thanks to everyone who entered!
Lots of other great giveaways coming up so keep checking back with us!
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And that winner of entry 185
J TiBBS said...
This is such a wonderful giveaway. I would love to win because I have two kids in diapers and am always looking to find new diapers to try out. We are a mainly prefold family minus a couple here and there. I love the Smarti Pants, these are fantastic diapers and such a good price, especially when you have two that need diapers. Thanks so much for offering all these wonderful prizes!
And, thanks to everyone who entered!
Lots of other great giveaways coming up so keep checking back with us!
The MOTHER of all giveaways! HUGE cloth diaper basket valued over $200!!
It is time...
I have been SO insanely busy and im SORRY SORRY SORRY...
BUT because of all the chaos, I have managed to put together the MOTHER of all giveaways.
You all know were trying to be more eco-friendly over here at RockerByeBaby...
I reuse all my boxes...
All my USPS packaging has been recycled...
The only paper I print is for my labels...
I buy locally as much as I can...
and the list goes on and on...
so when I had the idea to do a cloth diaper giveaway...
I totally ran with it.
One diaper turned into two... then four... and then seven...
and by the time I said, enough...
I had a total of 8 diapers (one AIO), 3 diaper covers a wet bag and a prefold.

Who's the best? I know, i know... you love me :)
And its ALLL for you...
Now, lets talk about all the goodies in store for you...
I have personally tried EACH one of these...
well, not these exactly, these are new for you...
but each seller sent one for me to review... and one for you...
anyways... back to business.
Each item has had a thorough review...
and Ill do my best to give you each and every detail that I can.
*DING DING* Round one :)

Starting with the first batch of closeups...
and well, kinda my favorites in the diaper world...
In MY experience... for MY kids...
these two worked best.
But, dont get me wrong, they're all great or I wouldn't be representing them!
In the Top left hand corner we have The Eli Monster
Steph makes the most awesome AIO diapers...
She has all the coolest prints...
does lots of cool custom screen printing...
and her AIO's stand up to the test.
They're easy to use... no snaps to adjust...
no inserts to mess with... just put it on and your done.
And the best part - When you wash it it dries in one cycle.
Most AIO diapers take 2 or three!
Want your own Custom diaper from The Eli Monster? Click here.
She also sent a prefold! (shown in the wetbag)
They're great for using as a diaper with a diaper cover over top...
Or even as an insert for some extra protection.
Next we have a diaper by Dish Rag Baby.
Super cool zebra print and you know me, I love the Rock n Roll style...
It has a cotton zebra outer...
anti-pill fleece inner, sandwiched PUL...
and a snap in 15.5" x 15.5" microfiber rag as a soaker.
She is a total rockstar when it comes to diapering.
And its my favorite diaper for nap time.
I have used it multiple times and it only leaked once.
Thats pretty amazing in the cloth diapering world.
Scared you won't win the zebra diaper and want to buy one?
Well you can click here to buy one yourself.
They're on Clearance for just $12!!
Now last but totally not least in this photo is the Wet Bag!!
Its made by Evie Hearts Milo
So cool, so punk rock... so much skully goodness :)
There is usually no nice way to ditch a dirty diaper...
But this wet bag makes it easy.
It holds about 3 to 4 diapers depending on the size.
And keeps in all the ooey-gooey grossness.
This is an absolute necessity for all cloth diaper-ers :)
Want to buy one? Click here...
and check it out!
She has lots of other awesome-ness too! T-shirts, onesies, and more!
Round Two!

Top Left & Right Corners: Happy Baby Cloth Diapers
Now this is another set of great diapers.
Im a big fan of HBClothDiapers.
AND theyre big "tweeters"! Follow them @HBClothDiapers
Their diapers are perfect.
Basic PUL to make them waterproof...
snaps to make them one size fits all...
and inserts too!
Now, they worked best for me when I doubled up the inserts.
Otherwise, he soaked through really fast... but with two he lasted a couple hours!
So, I highly recommend that.
They come in lots of great colors and her customer service is great.
Oh, also - probably TMI but Im gunna tell you anyways.
These were great for poopy diapers...
I just flipped the diaper and it popped out.
ALSO washed great - not a single poop streak! hahaha
*Note to self: son will hate me in the future for talking of his poops to the world*
Below the Happy Baby Diapers we have CUSHY TOOSH!
Greatest name every right? too cute...
THere are so many amazing things coming out of this shop...
I dont even know where to start...
well, I have to...
so lets start here... Snack Bags, Baby Wipes, LINERS...
and of course - diapers.
They come in all different colors and even prints if you check the site.
They're super absorbent - and if you need, you can always add extra inserts.
Check out this listing here and you can customize your own perfect diaper.
These really are great diapers.
When there is PUL in a diaper it makes a world of difference.
You just bulk up the pockets depending on what you "need"
and the diaper does the rest!
Round Three!

Top Left corner - we have the diaper for the SmartiPants
Now, this diaper is a bit different than the rest.
Its similar in thickness and style to the CushyToosh and Happy Baby...
But there are a few things that make it stick out.
#1 - its totally affordable. A 3 pack is just $39.95
#2 - its completely one size fits all with all the snaps.
#3 - The have a special patented pocket...
Its open on both ends so you can pull out the insert at either end.
Now, at first we had trouble with this diaper.
It took a few tries to figure out what worked best for us...
but now we have no troubles.
First, I used it as a cover with one liner dropped inside.
That didnt work for me and was my mistake.
Second we use the soaker inside the pocket, that worked better...
but he leaked after about 45. minutes...
Finally we learned that we need two soakers in the pocket, and then we were fine.
Now it is our trusty diaper that we wear when running errands...
throw in two soakers and he is good for a couple hours!
Check out Smarti Pants on Twitter! @thesmartipants
Next in this photo round we have Wild Child for Babies!
Totally awesome diapers. The red is such a great red, I love it!
Now, lets not forget the inside a soft micro suede...
It also comes with a liner to help flip out those messy poops.
ALL diapers should come with this...
It makes life much much easier.
Poopy diaper? Just take the liner flip it into the toilet...
flush, and toss the liner into your wetbag.
Its SO much easier than trying to dump a diaper.
The diaper is super absorbent and has a bamboo fleece insert that you can fold up.
It starts out as one bid two layer square...
you can fold it into halves or thirds depending on what you need.
Get your own red diaper here! Just $15!!
Or check out the rest of her shop for a ton of cool prints and styles!
Im headed there right now to buy another one i loved it so much...
and she has one of my favorite prints, Ooga Booga that i just gotta have!
Last but not least we have the Nifty Nappy!
The craftsmanship is amazing.
I love the look of the surged edges on the outside...
and she has a ton of cute prints!
She has bibs, swim diapers, and my new favorite, the Trainers!
I LOVE the design of her new training pants... SO CUTE!
Now lets talk diapers...
Its a little different from the others.
IT does not have PUL and requires a cover, but it is totally awesome.
She uses lots of Organic/Bamboo/Hemp fabrics...
She recommends using one of her Wool Covers over the diaper.
Or, you can do what I did, and use one of the covers from the basket!
There are three to choose from!!!

In the top left hand corner we have another treat from The Eli Monster
Everyone knows Im a big fan of Steph...
and this cover just stays true to that.
Super awesome Regent Skulls print (a favorite of mine)
These covers are great over diapers like the one from The Nifty Nappy above...
Or you can use it as a swim diaper!
Perfect for summer!
If you look to the right we have a cover from BrookieBaby
The design a little different from Steph's
There is a cool elastic visible trim all around the outside...
and little velcro tabs to keep it together.
She sent one of my all time favorite Michael Miller Prints...
its bright and colorful and stylish.
Another great way to use this cover is with a prefold diaper.
I sell them in my shop here.
You just wrap the prefold around babies bottom... pin with diaper pins.
Then put the cover on over top and ta-da! Diaper :)
And, totally affordable.
If you have a second, follow Brooke on twitter! @Brookiellen
Last but not least in our goodie box of treasures...
We have another diaper cover by ReThink Crafts
Her covers are great.
They still feature the PUL fabric that we all know and love...
Nice thick durable velcro to keep things secure...
and of course, tons of fun prints to choose from.
Like the others, this could be used as a swim diaper...
a cover for an existing diaper, or even a cover over a prefold or soaker.
Covers are a great affordable way to cloth diaper.
You can buy a 12 pack of Gerber prefolds for $11 @ Walmart.
Buy a hand full of diaper covers and just interchange them all.
I highly recommend picking some up from these sellers.
They are a GREAT investment.
So thats it!
What does everything think?
If you put all of these goodies together we are looking at over $200 in value.
So naturally... there will be LOTS of comments.
As usual, there are lots of extra ways for you to get entries...
and will all of these sellers... even more than usual!
How to win:
Leave us a comment here...
tell us why you want to win this basket & Which diaper/seller (from sight) is your favorite.
Extra Entries:
#2) Follow us (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - www.twitter.com/RockerByeBaby Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :)Just be sure to leave us your Twitter name so we can check up!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Leave an extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Buy something from one of the stores - leave the link to the transaction in a separate comment.
#6) Give any of these shops a "heart" on etsy!! Only one extra entry per seller.
(Leaving 5 hearts on The Eli Monster shop only gets you one entry, but leaving 1 heart on The Eli Monster, and one on BrookieBaby gets you two... SPREAD THE LOVE!)
#7) Bump this etsy thread for an extra entry...
Just comment and say, I BUMPED the thread and Ill go back and check.
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I have been SO insanely busy and im SORRY SORRY SORRY...
BUT because of all the chaos, I have managed to put together the MOTHER of all giveaways.
You all know were trying to be more eco-friendly over here at RockerByeBaby...
I reuse all my boxes...
All my USPS packaging has been recycled...
The only paper I print is for my labels...
I buy locally as much as I can...
and the list goes on and on...
so when I had the idea to do a cloth diaper giveaway...
I totally ran with it.
One diaper turned into two... then four... and then seven...
and by the time I said, enough...
I had a total of 8 diapers (one AIO), 3 diaper covers a wet bag and a prefold.
Who's the best? I know, i know... you love me :)
And its ALLL for you...
Now, lets talk about all the goodies in store for you...
I have personally tried EACH one of these...
well, not these exactly, these are new for you...
but each seller sent one for me to review... and one for you...
anyways... back to business.
Each item has had a thorough review...
and Ill do my best to give you each and every detail that I can.
*DING DING* Round one :)
Starting with the first batch of closeups...
and well, kinda my favorites in the diaper world...
In MY experience... for MY kids...
these two worked best.
But, dont get me wrong, they're all great or I wouldn't be representing them!
In the Top left hand corner we have The Eli Monster
Steph makes the most awesome AIO diapers...
She has all the coolest prints...
does lots of cool custom screen printing...
and her AIO's stand up to the test.
They're easy to use... no snaps to adjust...
no inserts to mess with... just put it on and your done.
And the best part - When you wash it it dries in one cycle.
Most AIO diapers take 2 or three!
Want your own Custom diaper from The Eli Monster? Click here.
She also sent a prefold! (shown in the wetbag)
They're great for using as a diaper with a diaper cover over top...
Or even as an insert for some extra protection.
Next we have a diaper by Dish Rag Baby.
Super cool zebra print and you know me, I love the Rock n Roll style...
It has a cotton zebra outer...
anti-pill fleece inner, sandwiched PUL...
and a snap in 15.5" x 15.5" microfiber rag as a soaker.
She is a total rockstar when it comes to diapering.
And its my favorite diaper for nap time.
I have used it multiple times and it only leaked once.
Thats pretty amazing in the cloth diapering world.
Scared you won't win the zebra diaper and want to buy one?
Well you can click here to buy one yourself.
They're on Clearance for just $12!!
Now last but totally not least in this photo is the Wet Bag!!
Its made by Evie Hearts Milo
So cool, so punk rock... so much skully goodness :)
There is usually no nice way to ditch a dirty diaper...
But this wet bag makes it easy.
It holds about 3 to 4 diapers depending on the size.
And keeps in all the ooey-gooey grossness.
This is an absolute necessity for all cloth diaper-ers :)
Want to buy one? Click here...
and check it out!
She has lots of other awesome-ness too! T-shirts, onesies, and more!
Round Two!
Top Left & Right Corners: Happy Baby Cloth Diapers
Now this is another set of great diapers.
Im a big fan of HBClothDiapers.
AND theyre big "tweeters"! Follow them @HBClothDiapers
Their diapers are perfect.
Basic PUL to make them waterproof...
snaps to make them one size fits all...
and inserts too!
Now, they worked best for me when I doubled up the inserts.
Otherwise, he soaked through really fast... but with two he lasted a couple hours!
So, I highly recommend that.
They come in lots of great colors and her customer service is great.
Oh, also - probably TMI but Im gunna tell you anyways.
These were great for poopy diapers...
I just flipped the diaper and it popped out.
ALSO washed great - not a single poop streak! hahaha
*Note to self: son will hate me in the future for talking of his poops to the world*
Below the Happy Baby Diapers we have CUSHY TOOSH!
Greatest name every right? too cute...
THere are so many amazing things coming out of this shop...
I dont even know where to start...
well, I have to...
so lets start here... Snack Bags, Baby Wipes, LINERS...
and of course - diapers.
They come in all different colors and even prints if you check the site.
They're super absorbent - and if you need, you can always add extra inserts.
Check out this listing here and you can customize your own perfect diaper.
These really are great diapers.
When there is PUL in a diaper it makes a world of difference.
You just bulk up the pockets depending on what you "need"
and the diaper does the rest!
Round Three!
Top Left corner - we have the diaper for the SmartiPants
Now, this diaper is a bit different than the rest.
Its similar in thickness and style to the CushyToosh and Happy Baby...
But there are a few things that make it stick out.
#1 - its totally affordable. A 3 pack is just $39.95
#2 - its completely one size fits all with all the snaps.
#3 - The have a special patented pocket...
Its open on both ends so you can pull out the insert at either end.
Now, at first we had trouble with this diaper.
It took a few tries to figure out what worked best for us...
but now we have no troubles.
First, I used it as a cover with one liner dropped inside.
That didnt work for me and was my mistake.
Second we use the soaker inside the pocket, that worked better...
but he leaked after about 45. minutes...
Finally we learned that we need two soakers in the pocket, and then we were fine.
Now it is our trusty diaper that we wear when running errands...
throw in two soakers and he is good for a couple hours!
Check out Smarti Pants on Twitter! @thesmartipants
Next in this photo round we have Wild Child for Babies!
Totally awesome diapers. The red is such a great red, I love it!
Now, lets not forget the inside a soft micro suede...
It also comes with a liner to help flip out those messy poops.
ALL diapers should come with this...
It makes life much much easier.
Poopy diaper? Just take the liner flip it into the toilet...
flush, and toss the liner into your wetbag.
Its SO much easier than trying to dump a diaper.
The diaper is super absorbent and has a bamboo fleece insert that you can fold up.
It starts out as one bid two layer square...
you can fold it into halves or thirds depending on what you need.
Get your own red diaper here! Just $15!!
Or check out the rest of her shop for a ton of cool prints and styles!
Im headed there right now to buy another one i loved it so much...
and she has one of my favorite prints, Ooga Booga that i just gotta have!
Last but not least we have the Nifty Nappy!
The craftsmanship is amazing.
I love the look of the surged edges on the outside...
and she has a ton of cute prints!
She has bibs, swim diapers, and my new favorite, the Trainers!
I LOVE the design of her new training pants... SO CUTE!
Now lets talk diapers...
Its a little different from the others.
IT does not have PUL and requires a cover, but it is totally awesome.
She uses lots of Organic/Bamboo/Hemp fabrics...
She recommends using one of her Wool Covers over the diaper.
Or, you can do what I did, and use one of the covers from the basket!
There are three to choose from!!!
In the top left hand corner we have another treat from The Eli Monster
Everyone knows Im a big fan of Steph...
and this cover just stays true to that.
Super awesome Regent Skulls print (a favorite of mine)
These covers are great over diapers like the one from The Nifty Nappy above...
Or you can use it as a swim diaper!
Perfect for summer!
If you look to the right we have a cover from BrookieBaby
The design a little different from Steph's
There is a cool elastic visible trim all around the outside...
and little velcro tabs to keep it together.
She sent one of my all time favorite Michael Miller Prints...
its bright and colorful and stylish.
Another great way to use this cover is with a prefold diaper.
I sell them in my shop here.
You just wrap the prefold around babies bottom... pin with diaper pins.
Then put the cover on over top and ta-da! Diaper :)
And, totally affordable.
If you have a second, follow Brooke on twitter! @Brookiellen
Last but not least in our goodie box of treasures...
We have another diaper cover by ReThink Crafts
Her covers are great.
They still feature the PUL fabric that we all know and love...
Nice thick durable velcro to keep things secure...
and of course, tons of fun prints to choose from.
Like the others, this could be used as a swim diaper...
a cover for an existing diaper, or even a cover over a prefold or soaker.
Covers are a great affordable way to cloth diaper.
You can buy a 12 pack of Gerber prefolds for $11 @ Walmart.
Buy a hand full of diaper covers and just interchange them all.
I highly recommend picking some up from these sellers.
They are a GREAT investment.
So thats it!
What does everything think?
If you put all of these goodies together we are looking at over $200 in value.
So naturally... there will be LOTS of comments.
As usual, there are lots of extra ways for you to get entries...
and will all of these sellers... even more than usual!
How to win:
Leave us a comment here...
tell us why you want to win this basket & Which diaper/seller (from sight) is your favorite.
Extra Entries:
#2) Follow us (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - www.twitter.com/RockerByeBaby Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :)Just be sure to leave us your Twitter name so we can check up!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Leave an extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Buy something from one of the stores - leave the link to the transaction in a separate comment.
#6) Give any of these shops a "heart" on etsy!! Only one extra entry per seller.
(Leaving 5 hearts on The Eli Monster shop only gets you one entry, but leaving 1 heart on The Eli Monster, and one on BrookieBaby gets you two... SPREAD THE LOVE!)
#7) Bump this etsy thread for an extra entry...
Just comment and say, I BUMPED the thread and Ill go back and check.
Cloth Diaper Review/Giveaway from 3MonkeysDiapers... totally blew my mind
I hate to start this blog by saying I was wrong...
but its true... I was totally wrong...
I totally underestimated these diapers by 3MonkeysClothDiapers.
#1 - Seeing them in person I was totally blown away.
If I can give ONE constructive criticism for this shop...
*Note to Stacey* TAKE NEW PHOTOS!
Your shop deserves SOOO much more press...
and sharper/more professional photos would make a HUGE difference.
Buy a .50 piece of white poster board... take new photos...
and watch the sales come rollin in :)
#2 - Im totally new to cloth diapering...
from what i had heard around... it was the pocket diapers I wanted...
Again, I was wrong... I want these diapers... about 20 more...
No tucking, twisting... cliping...
everything is right there ready to go...
you just flip it on like a normal diaper.
Due to a secret "HUGE future giveaway" i have in the works...
I have had the opportunity to try out alot of different diapers.
And right now, these are the top of my list...
and Im not just saying that... its totally true.
I was TRYING to get Zavery to soak through this diaper...
I wanted to remind myself why I use disposables...
He had JUST woken from his nap...
I gave him a big ol cup of juice, and cute little skull diaper booty :)

Or course, I had to let him run around naked...
cuz he looked so darn cute...

I started watching the clock... 4:15 we started...
@ 4:45 i pulled off the diaper... he HAD to have "pottied" by then...
nothing... no wetness...
We had dinner plans, so i took a big risk and left him in the diaper...
5:30 I checked again, he was still totally fine... hardly damp...
since our start time he had ANOTHER cup of water... still fine...
reservations were at 6:30... so I took him in, and changed him.
Had I wanted to push it longer I could have.
But i was SO SO SO beyond happy with these results I didnt want to ruin it.
I really can't even explain how happy I am about these diapers...
I wish I would have started from the beginning.
Her diapers are affordable... stylish... and top of the line.
and yes of course, you get to try one too!
Though, let the record state...
I totally want to keep them for myself... haha
So this week... TWO WINNERS...

I have one (L/XL adjustable) purple and pink skulls girlie diaper...
and one (l/xl adjustable) orange and yellow skull and flames diaper...

Even if you dont regularly cloth diaper, i URGE you to comment and try it out.
I'm totally inspired. You will be too!
Ways to Win:
Go to her shop: www.3monkeysclothdiapers.etsy.com
or her website... www.threemonkeysclothdiapers.com
Leave us a comment and tell us your favorite diaper...
ALSO - Dont forget to tell us which diaper you would like to win...
The Purple Skulls or the Orange Skulls.
Extra Entries:
#2) Follow us (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - www.twitter.com/RockerByeBaby Leave a separate comments for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :)Just be sure to leave us your Twitter name so we can check up!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Live a extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Buy something from her Shop - leave the link to the transaction AND GET TWO BONUS ENTRIES leave two separate comments with the link...
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but its true... I was totally wrong...
I totally underestimated these diapers by 3MonkeysClothDiapers.
#1 - Seeing them in person I was totally blown away.
If I can give ONE constructive criticism for this shop...
*Note to Stacey* TAKE NEW PHOTOS!
Your shop deserves SOOO much more press...
and sharper/more professional photos would make a HUGE difference.
Buy a .50 piece of white poster board... take new photos...
and watch the sales come rollin in :)
#2 - Im totally new to cloth diapering...
from what i had heard around... it was the pocket diapers I wanted...
Again, I was wrong... I want these diapers... about 20 more...
No tucking, twisting... cliping...
everything is right there ready to go...
you just flip it on like a normal diaper.
Due to a secret "HUGE future giveaway" i have in the works...
I have had the opportunity to try out alot of different diapers.
And right now, these are the top of my list...
and Im not just saying that... its totally true.
I was TRYING to get Zavery to soak through this diaper...
I wanted to remind myself why I use disposables...
He had JUST woken from his nap...
I gave him a big ol cup of juice, and cute little skull diaper booty :)
Or course, I had to let him run around naked...
cuz he looked so darn cute...
I started watching the clock... 4:15 we started...
@ 4:45 i pulled off the diaper... he HAD to have "pottied" by then...
nothing... no wetness...
We had dinner plans, so i took a big risk and left him in the diaper...
5:30 I checked again, he was still totally fine... hardly damp...
since our start time he had ANOTHER cup of water... still fine...
reservations were at 6:30... so I took him in, and changed him.
Had I wanted to push it longer I could have.
But i was SO SO SO beyond happy with these results I didnt want to ruin it.
I really can't even explain how happy I am about these diapers...
I wish I would have started from the beginning.
Her diapers are affordable... stylish... and top of the line.
and yes of course, you get to try one too!
Though, let the record state...
I totally want to keep them for myself... haha
So this week... TWO WINNERS...
I have one (L/XL adjustable) purple and pink skulls girlie diaper...
and one (l/xl adjustable) orange and yellow skull and flames diaper...
Even if you dont regularly cloth diaper, i URGE you to comment and try it out.
I'm totally inspired. You will be too!
Ways to Win:
Go to her shop: www.3monkeysclothdiapers.etsy.com
or her website... www.threemonkeysclothdiapers.com
Leave us a comment and tell us your favorite diaper...
ALSO - Dont forget to tell us which diaper you would like to win...
The Purple Skulls or the Orange Skulls.
Extra Entries:
#2) Follow us (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower on our blog.
#3) Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - www.twitter.com/RockerByeBaby Leave a separate comments for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :)Just be sure to leave us your Twitter name so we can check up!
#4) Write a blog about this giveaway and link back to this review. Live a extra comment with the link to the blog.
#5) Buy something from her Shop - leave the link to the transaction AND GET TWO BONUS ENTRIES leave two separate comments with the link...