Squarespace Blog / "tshirt"
Help us bring RockerByeBaby tshirts to print!
A couple weeks ago we started an awesome project on Kickstarter. We are looking for supporters to help us bring RockerByeBaby t-shirts to life! We have been day dreaming about this for years - and its time to make it real... but I need your help! Kickstarter offers an amazing platform to help businesses get the jump start they need to produce new items... You can donate money, or just preorder items... or even buy advertising on our new website... $1-$100... anything is appreciated. If you can help us reach our goal Id be ever so grateful!!
Follow this link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1139007145/punk-kids-clothing-line-needs-to-go-from-paper-to
Make your pledge... and get us one step closer to our goal!
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Sneak Peek at whats coming when we re-open!
A little something for ya to look forward to, while you wait for us to get back to new/custom listings... I had TOO much fun making these... and these got shipped of to Ms. Pili after we photographed them. Awesome right!? Can't wait to get them listed ;) 

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GIVEAWAY! Poppy's Sprouts!
A day late - sorry... been a crazy week... BUT - ill make it up to you... right... now...
This weeks awesome shop is the super talented Jennifer from Poppy!
And were specifically shouting out to her "Poppys Spouts" branch...

You may have seen her around etsy... she is also known as:
She is a "jill" of all trades, no doubt... but lets talk tots for a bit!
In March of this year Ms. Poppy sprouted a new leaf and ventured into childrens' clothing... She does everything from dresses, to shirts...... and from skirts to coordinating hair bows...
Check it out :)

Recgonize that little lady in the photos? You should! I referred photographer Beki & her daughter Maddie to Poppy for modeling and photos! Adorable-ness...
Poppy sent over a couple shirts for the boys to try out and we totally love them...

And of course, this is giveaway day so you get one too!! One lucky winner gets their choice of onesie or t-shirt in the poppy sprouts store...
How to Win:
#1: Make ANY purchase from poppy sprouts store and get 5 extra entries.
#2: Follow Poppy's Garden!
#3: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter!
#4: Tweet This: (up to once daily)
"@PoppysGarden custom tshirt or onesie #giveaway ($15 value)at the @rockerbyebaby blog Comment at link to enter! http://bit.ly/9MjHoL"
#5: Heart Poppy's Sprouts and two items on etsy
#6: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog! (sidebar)
#7: "Like" Poppys Wicked Garden on facebook!
#8: "Like" RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#9: Put the Rockerbyebaby flash button on your blog or website. (3 extra entries) *sidebar*
#10: If your the lucky winner, what would you pick!?
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This weeks awesome shop is the super talented Jennifer from Poppy!
And were specifically shouting out to her "Poppys Spouts" branch...

You may have seen her around etsy... she is also known as:
She is a "jill" of all trades, no doubt... but lets talk tots for a bit!
In March of this year Ms. Poppy sprouted a new leaf and ventured into childrens' clothing... She does everything from dresses, to shirts...... and from skirts to coordinating hair bows...
Check it out :)

Recgonize that little lady in the photos? You should! I referred photographer Beki & her daughter Maddie to Poppy for modeling and photos! Adorable-ness...
Poppy sent over a couple shirts for the boys to try out and we totally love them...

And of course, this is giveaway day so you get one too!! One lucky winner gets their choice of onesie or t-shirt in the poppy sprouts store...
How to Win:
#1: Make ANY purchase from poppy sprouts store and get 5 extra entries.
#2: Follow Poppy's Garden!
#3: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter!
#4: Tweet This: (up to once daily)
"@PoppysGarden custom tshirt or onesie #giveaway ($15 value)at the @rockerbyebaby blog Comment at link to enter! http://bit.ly/9MjHoL"
#5: Heart Poppy's Sprouts and two items on etsy
#6: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog! (sidebar)
#7: "Like" Poppys Wicked Garden on facebook!
#8: "Like" RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#9: Put the Rockerbyebaby flash button on your blog or website. (3 extra entries) *sidebar*
#10: If your the lucky winner, what would you pick!?

Baby Blogging Bash! Giveaway #6! Vintage Lucy's!
Oh Vintage Lucy's.... I <3 you...

I started stalking Vintage Lucy's long ago... and it was love at first sight... For christmas one year I got the MIL a set of tea towels that STILL look adorable hanging on her stove... and to this day I have a list 10 miles long of all the things I want to trade her for... and everytime she says yeah! Lets do it! And I can't commit because I want it all, lol If #3 ends up being a girl... look out lady, because Ill be banging down your door for all the ADORABLE goodies in your shop. Everything is hand made (duh) super high quality and made to last... worth every penny...
Lets take a moment to drool over all her goods...

i NEEEED this shirt for the boys....

Ugh, i wish i had more time for cutesy dresses like this!!! Jealous.

also... its official, i need to buy a couple towels tonight to match my new 50's style retro curtains i made tonight... yay! So clearly, as I said... i <3 Vintage Lucy's... her stuffs is ADORABLE... and a need a little of everything. But you need some too right? Well mey BFF Aymee, the guest of honor for this little shindig im hosting was gifted an ADORABLE *Bling kitty* tshirt for Maddie... pink w/ a screened black cat and a little crystal in the eyes... SO cute... and you!? This adorable Hot Rod tshirt on white. Size 18-24 months. Valued at $24...

How do you win?! Like this :)
#1: Make ANY purchase (samples are fine too) from the Vintage Lucy's website... comment with your order # for THREE ENTRIES. (three separate comments for each entry) ***edit: Orders made in the last WEEK will count towards this... just be sure to leave the order #***
#2: Fan Vintage Lucy's on Facebook.
#3: Become a fan of the ROCKinGreen Facebook page!
#4: Follow @VintageLucys on twitter & @RockerByeBaby and tweet this (come back once a day to tweet for extra entries!)
"Enter 2 win @vintagelucys size 18-24 months Hot Rod tshirt during the #babybloggingbash @rockerbyebaby http://bit.ly/bZjyDp"
#5: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog!
#6: Follow the Vintage Lucy's blog!
#7: Grab our FLASH button from the sidebar and post it on your website/blog for 2 extra entries (comment twice with the link to where I can find it)
#8: Bonus entry/entries:
After doing at least THREE of the above entries... the bonus entries are a free for all... as many comments as you want.... BUT the theme is "If you were President. What law(s) would you pass to benefit your CHILDRENS future...
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I started stalking Vintage Lucy's long ago... and it was love at first sight... For christmas one year I got the MIL a set of tea towels that STILL look adorable hanging on her stove... and to this day I have a list 10 miles long of all the things I want to trade her for... and everytime she says yeah! Lets do it! And I can't commit because I want it all, lol If #3 ends up being a girl... look out lady, because Ill be banging down your door for all the ADORABLE goodies in your shop. Everything is hand made (duh) super high quality and made to last... worth every penny...
Lets take a moment to drool over all her goods...

i NEEEED this shirt for the boys....

Ugh, i wish i had more time for cutesy dresses like this!!! Jealous.

also... its official, i need to buy a couple towels tonight to match my new 50's style retro curtains i made tonight... yay! So clearly, as I said... i <3 Vintage Lucy's... her stuffs is ADORABLE... and a need a little of everything. But you need some too right? Well mey BFF Aymee, the guest of honor for this little shindig im hosting was gifted an ADORABLE *Bling kitty* tshirt for Maddie... pink w/ a screened black cat and a little crystal in the eyes... SO cute... and you!? This adorable Hot Rod tshirt on white. Size 18-24 months. Valued at $24...
How do you win?! Like this :)
#1: Make ANY purchase (samples are fine too) from the Vintage Lucy's website... comment with your order # for THREE ENTRIES. (three separate comments for each entry) ***edit: Orders made in the last WEEK will count towards this... just be sure to leave the order #***
#2: Fan Vintage Lucy's on Facebook.
#3: Become a fan of the ROCKinGreen Facebook page!
#4: Follow @VintageLucys on twitter & @RockerByeBaby and tweet this (come back once a day to tweet for extra entries!)
"Enter 2 win @vintagelucys size 18-24 months Hot Rod tshirt during the #babybloggingbash @rockerbyebaby http://bit.ly/bZjyDp"
#5: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog!
#6: Follow the Vintage Lucy's blog!
#7: Grab our FLASH button from the sidebar and post it on your website/blog for 2 extra entries (comment twice with the link to where I can find it)
#8: Bonus entry/entries:
After doing at least THREE of the above entries... the bonus entries are a free for all... as many comments as you want.... BUT the theme is "If you were President. What law(s) would you pass to benefit your CHILDRENS future...