Squarespace Blog / "punk rock"

Let the Baby Bash Begin!! (with BabyBooFelt)

Day one of Mrs. Aymee Dangers Baby Bash!!
We have prizes galore!! Every day will mean a new giveaway... or maybe two? Maybe three? Who knows!! Were wild around here... Since we have a giveaway running from yesterdays post what do ya say we go live with a twitter giveaway!? Sounds like a fun way to start it off right!? All through the week you will be able to keep tabs on the shower with the Twitter tag #BabyBloggingBash

Welcome Ailie from Baby Boo Felt to the stands!
Ailie is easily the queen when it comes to cloth blocks... They are the cutest... softest... squishiest... and funnest blocks on the planet. She made one for Aymee (and Maddie I suppose, lol) out of the adorable black & white doodle skulls... and some crazy pink and purple fur. Cute right!? And how fun are the tags!? All babies LOVE tags...
and the lucky winner of this giveaway with get one made of Japanese Black and red skulls... with red minky dot. If the boys were younger i would definitely be buying one for them. It turned out SO cute.
SO how do you win? You MUST be a follower of both @BabyBooFelt & @rockerbyebaby... then all you have to do is Re-Tweet this:
Fabric Blocks giveaway @RockerByeBaby by @BabyBooFelt MUST FOLLOW THEN RETWEET to win! #BabyBloggingBash http://bit.ly/di4IhV
You can tweet up to ONE time an HOUR if you want... but no more than that... The winner will be chosen when we reach 500 (slow start... lets bump it down to 300) tweets! Update: We are currently at 175 tweets 5/11 8am  Could be an hour, a day... a week! Who knows!? Just start tweeting!!!

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I wanna tell you all a fun story... even at the risk of sounding cocky... cuz sometimes... ya just have to be to prove a point, lol A new top 10 customer of mine... (you may know her on twitter as @CrazyMamaofFive) came to me about a month ago with a big complaint... no no, not about me silly! About another etsy shop... She had spent a pretty penny on a blanket for her princess (FINALLY a princess after 4 boys... can you imagine!?) Anyways... she was really disappointed with the overall quality for the high price she paid... Asked the seller to fix it... and same thing again... bummer right?! Well then she found me... she explained her story, and entrusted me to make her a blanket...

I felt so bad I rushed her blanket right out... I must have made her happy because since then she has bought... three? baby blankets i believe? As well as now 4 adult blankets... which also has a fun story behind it... She wanted to buy them... but was debating on the price or 3 or 4... (duh, 4 adult blankets is expensive!) So when hubby was giving her a little flack about how she was going to be late to a function... he said Ill make you a bet..... I bet you wont be in the car by X time... if you are, ill buy all 4 blankets for you... (knowing she would NEVER make in time...) but she said your on!! Needless to say... RockerByeBaby blankets have some amazing power... even over mama's... cuz guess who made it in the car... and guess who just had 4 adult blankets shipped to her in time for Mothers Day? Sarah.

 haha... way to go mama! Thanks for being such a great new customer, i really appreciate it. Happy Mothers Day. P.s. Check out Sarah's etsy shop (Annabellas Designs) for the cutest baby/toddler/kids bows in history... Also - stay tuned... cuz she is apart of the BABY BASH for Aymee!! Yay!

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Sweet Sale Saturday!!

Welcome to a new spot at the blog!! Its called Sweet Sale Saturday... featuring what you ask? A SWEET SALE!!! Starting today - EVERY saturday I will pick a "sale" fabric... and anything you choose with that fabric will be on sale. Cool right? And you can still customize it with your favorite minky choice!! YAYY!

Here we go! This weeks Sweet Sale Saturday print is:
Robert Kaufman - Bad to the Bone Bandanna print in Black & Purple

It was hard to photograph the true purple color... so im posting two and its somewhere in between... Ideas... it would be awesome with a contrasting color (too hard to match the purple...) Id love to see it with Lime green.... hot pink.... turquoise.... something like that :) Check the store for all the listings! Discounts will be available as Skullies, Blankets, Changing Pads, & Crib Bedding. Awesome right!? Let me know what you think and PLEASE, feel free to share!! This will we the fabric of the week, ALL week long... check it out!! www.rockerbyebaby.etsy.com
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Wordless Wednesday - Walk The Plank

We LOVE Ben as our little model, isn't he adorable! They came by today we we snapped these photos... I just LOVE this shirt and hope you guys do too! It will be listed in the next few days.

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Wordless Wednesday: Newness!

Sneak Peek at some newness soon to be listed! Working on a little colab w/ The Laundry Monster... we both have alot of copy cat shops... and out of no where all my burp rag sales were going to copy cats... not cool... so I thought, how can i make mine stand above the rest like the did before? Like this... BUT the hand dyed burp rags has kinda been taken over my Laundry Monster... and I didnt wanna step on any toes... SO we worked out a little system... we gunna do a linky trade... and in hers it will say, if your looking to some w/ an edge... check out rockerbyebaby... and mine will say something like... if your looking for a more traditional print, check out laundry monster... THAT way, were passing sales to each other and not all the other random shops out there... see guys... make friends... everyone always asks how I got the store to be so big so fast... this is key... make friends with everyone and network network network!!! Anyways, whatcha think!? you can peek at prints when theyre listed :)

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