Squarespace Blog / "felt food"

Winners of the Baby Boo Felt Giveaway!

And the winners are *drumroll*

Nifty Nappy said... 83

I purchased this #2
http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=25419578ANDOwen's Mom said... 36
I love the sushi rolls! Just adorable.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

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Super Special Friday Giveaway! Featuring BabyBooFelt

Attention.... ATTENTION PLEASE! *ahem* thanks.... i am PLEASED to announce that Ailie, the mama behind BabyBooFelt had her beautiful baby girl on Wednesday... after a LONG few days... lots of worries... LOTS of contractions... she was brought into the world via. Emergency C Section... Talk about making a diva style entrance!! The first couple days were a little rough... she was about 2 weeks early and weighed in at just over 4 pounds... in the photo below she still had a breathing tube, which is gone now and she is breathing on her own, YAY!
Last night mommy got to nurse her, and she did great...  Shes doing better and better each day... Ailie gets to go home Saturday but Lilly will have to stay a bit longer.... so lets keep her busy with LOTS of felt food orders :) Congrats to Ailie & Dan and big brother Gavin... a new addition to your beautiful family :) Now, On with the giveaway!!
Most of you know about my felt food obsession... we have very quickly acquired to giant tubs full... Im not sure who likes it more, me? Or the boys... well, either way Ailie is the best of the best when it comes to adorably hand crafted felt snacks :) We have everything from little shrimps & tofu... breakfast sets... taco's... chicken nuggets and fries... and the newest addition... chocolate cake with strawberries!! First off, they love anything dessert related... that always gets their attention... like the cookies... donuts.... etc. Second, I love the the cake comes in pieces... 1 big cake... with a ton of little strawberries that you can pile on top... or take them off and play with them separately... totally adorable!!Lastly... the come in lots of different flavors for the ultimate "creative play" experience... Strawberry, Vanilla & Chocolate...amazing right!? I dunno how she has the patience for it all... so many tiny little details... Now, I started the felt obsession around christmas time... Zavery is behind in his speech just like Gavin was (her son) She really urged using the food as a way to help him to develop faster and it REALLY has helped. Im so grateful for her advice... we talk about the names of the food... the colors of the food... how we eat the food... what we put with the food... we could the foods... we could the seeds/dots on the food... and the list goes on and on... its been such an amazing way to get him to sit down & learn & practice without him even knowing it... he has made great strides in the last month and I really think alot of it has to do with their little kitchen & felt food. *Keep it up Zave, mama's proud of you!*
So obviously you see where im going with this... ;) You guys are quick! There is a giveaway this week... but not with one... TWO prizes... we have ONE VANILLA/Strawberry cake to giveaway... and ONE STRAWBERRY/Strawberry cake to giveaway... but before I get to that... i wanna say really quick - i would love to see alot of sales in the BABYBOOFELT shop while they are stuck in the hospital... I went and bought a hot dog and the m&m candies... help her out with hospital bills, keep her busy while she is waiting for tiny little Lilly to come home... Im sure they will appreciate it... now- back to business ;)
#1:  Mandatory entry:  Tell us one item that you just LOVE from the BabyBooFelt etsy store.Extra entries?? But of course :)
#2) Follow us publicly here on (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a (old or new) follower on our blog.
Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :)
 Can tweet once daily for extra entries!Tweet This: "Free Giveaway: TWO WINNERS felt food for creative play - handmade by @babyboofelt Prize = a vanilla or strawberry cake http://bit.ly/aJrrKZ"#4) Be brave... tell me something you LOVE about yourself.
#5) Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook...#6)"Heart" the BabyBooFelt etsy page, and "favorite/heart" two items...#7) "Heart" the RockerByeBaby etsy page, and "favorite/heart" two items...#8) Follow BabyBooFelt on twitter!#9) BIG BONUS: Make a purchase from BabyBooFelt... any $ amount, just a purchase... come back here and leave FIVE comments with the link to the transaction.... thats 5 extra entries... 
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Note to Self Saturday: Xmas Success!

Ohhh what a day... Cali may not be "home"... and Christmas sure doesn't feel the same when its 70 & sunny... but it sure went off without a hitch! We spent Christmas Eve at the Settimis house and it was amazing... such great company... amazing Prime Rib... and BEAUTIFUL baby girls ;) (which only helped to make me want a little lady even MORE!!)  But the boys were great... they had a ton of fun... and we were able to stay until almost 11pm!! My boys are usually melting down by 7pm and ready for bed! So that was definitely a nice treat...  we finished off the night with champagne & exchanging presents with hubby after the kids went to bed. It was perfect. I was the luckiest girl in the world! He got me a brand spankin new sewing machine, and  bad ass camera, lol Cannon Rebel XSi... two lenses and a case. *dies* I have had SO MUCH FUN taking pictures... and was so happy to have it for xmas morning... its everything i could have possibly wanted and MORE! He definitely earned the #1 hubby award, lol.

i got him a new grill and a bunch of other randomness...

hes doing a wonderful job at being excited... though a feel like a total failure next to his gifts. lol

The boys had a ton of fun opening gifts... the kitchen & felt food has been a HUGE hit. But I think izzaq's favorite is the Melissa & Doug Birthday cake... He has been with it for like 6 hours! (yay for creative play - click photos to zoom)

My girl Ailie @ Baby Boo Felt has been so generous in helping us build our felt food collection... Not sure how likes it better, the boys or myself... but I just cant wait to start buying more :)

Zavery's favorite toy was probably the Mater truck. He loves it so much he even slept with it last night, lol

After presents there was a TON of playing... lots of snuggling... and then finally napping... kinda. (i think they were just too excited) Daddy took a good nap though... *good job daddy* while zaq napped and the boys pretended to, I started prepping stuffing. Zaq's mom makes the best sausage, rice & bread crumb stuffing... and for Thanksgiving zaq took a crack at making it... fail, lol So for x-mas it was my turn... I must say (and he will agree) i did a much better job... but it still wasn't Nana's stuffing...

Zaq was in charge of the rest... he likes cooking and holidays make it lots of fun for him to prepare the meal.

(notice the Vikings apron he got from santa... i think santa is even COOLER now that i know he shops on etsy!)

For dinner zaq made big fluffy squishy yummy rolls...

a HUGE bowl of mashed potatoes... (and this makes me laugh)

 Healthy Organic milk... with about 3 sticks a butter, lol
and of course... a christmas "roast beast"...

With all the playing and eating... there was bound to be lots of snuggling... Zavery went over and plopped himself right onto the floor with his "b's" it was the cutest thing in the world...

Then after some snuggling with daddy it was time for bed...

The day was great... I couldnt have asked for anything more... and now today the countdown to Santa has switched to the countdown to Nana and Papa... The should be here in about 8 more hours! Not much time left seeing as the started the 30 hour drive yesterday! We are really excited to see them... its been about 4 months :( Hope everyone else had a great holiday! Be sure to leave some comment love, id love to hear all about your day!

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Favorites Friday: Creative Play

Merry Christmas to my readers that celebrate it! If you dont, Happy Friday! ;)  In honor of this christmas "creative play" trend this week... I wanted to use that as inspiration for todays post! Full of items that I bought... that I want... and that I hope to get soon! As always... click the photo to enlarge and the links below coordinate with the numbers!  Oh, and to any of the stores below that Im in love with... my kids would LOVE for me to host a review & giveaway of your items for a full writeup and week of adv. :) just email or comment if interested...

#1: MamaMayI: I always love a good memory game... make it wood and hand inked & im sold... such a cute idea :)
#2: ChaseDreams: Recycled Lego Crayons bought these for their stockings in both brights & Primary colors. Even cuter in person!
#3: LinenKids: You know my love for sewing (obviously) this WILL be mine... for sure... its hearted and after this has been posted for a few days im totally going back to get one. Izzaq will LOVE getting to help mommy "work"
#4: BabyLoveBlankies: We searched and searched for cool skully ISpy bags for xmas with no luck... and NOW after its too late for xmas, here they are, lol just my luck... Have to snag these up later!
#5: WoodShopBob: 12 Piece Wooden Mini cars... insanely adorable... i NEED to buy these... 3 inches long... what an awesome deal!! Zavery will LOVE it.
#6: BeeDot: My girl Mandy is so darn talented... I just love her Amigurumi creations... so I asked her to make me two ice cream comes and they are easily some of the cutest and most well made things i have ever seen come from etsy... I cant wait to get more!
#7: BabyBooFelt: We got SO MUCH felt for from her for christmas... its amazing!! The fruit basket is next on our list!
#8: LittleSapplingToys: 10 pin Wooden Bowling Set... I have been drooling over this all year. Izzaq is obsessed with bowling and i know would just go nuts to have this. Wish I would have found it before I was done xmas shopping!
#9: BabyBolt: Skull crayon roll made in my favorite print... lusting over this one for sure!

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