Squarespace Blog / "chocolate"

Favorites Friday: Diet? What diet?

I was sitting here drinking my green tea... snacking on some carrots & hummus... and all I can think about are the Vintage Confections Red Velvet truffles... *dies* so I thought that this week MUST be on all the yummy desserts on etsy... and for the next hour while I put this together ill be thinking, diet? What diet!? and drooling over all this yummi-ness...
#1: Vintage Confections: Red Velvet Cake truffles (sadly, she isn't shipping chocolate this summer, but check out all her other year round goodies!!!)
#2: TheChocolateSprinkle: Organic Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies (MUST try these!!!)
#3: BlissBrownies: Ghirardelli Triple Chocolate Chip Brownies (*drool* hubby would kill for these)
#4: DivineCupcake: Organic & Vegan Mocha Cupcake Mix (yes. I said Organic AND Vegan... MUST TRY!!)
#5: FriendlyCreations: PeanutButter Explosion Cup (is this what heaven looks like? Also available in VEGAN form!!!)
#6: Nikid: Belgian White Chocolate Organic Dried Cranberries and Almond (I think I could eat this, pretending its healthy since its organic & lots of fruit... so its like... guilt free... right?? just say yes.)
#7: SinnersSaintsSweets: Double Chocolate Caramel Pecan Pretzel (yummmm... get in my belly.)
#8: Calabasascandyco: Organic Coffee Truffles (buzzzzz, can i start each morning with this?)
#9: ASugarAffair: Cookies N Cream Chocolate (Zaq loveeeeeeees Oreo bark)
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Super Special Friday Giveaway! Featuring BabyBooFelt

Attention.... ATTENTION PLEASE! *ahem* thanks.... i am PLEASED to announce that Ailie, the mama behind BabyBooFelt had her beautiful baby girl on Wednesday... after a LONG few days... lots of worries... LOTS of contractions... she was brought into the world via. Emergency C Section... Talk about making a diva style entrance!! The first couple days were a little rough... she was about 2 weeks early and weighed in at just over 4 pounds... in the photo below she still had a breathing tube, which is gone now and she is breathing on her own, YAY!
Last night mommy got to nurse her, and she did great...  Shes doing better and better each day... Ailie gets to go home Saturday but Lilly will have to stay a bit longer.... so lets keep her busy with LOTS of felt food orders :) Congrats to Ailie & Dan and big brother Gavin... a new addition to your beautiful family :) Now, On with the giveaway!!
Most of you know about my felt food obsession... we have very quickly acquired to giant tubs full... Im not sure who likes it more, me? Or the boys... well, either way Ailie is the best of the best when it comes to adorably hand crafted felt snacks :) We have everything from little shrimps & tofu... breakfast sets... taco's... chicken nuggets and fries... and the newest addition... chocolate cake with strawberries!! First off, they love anything dessert related... that always gets their attention... like the cookies... donuts.... etc. Second, I love the the cake comes in pieces... 1 big cake... with a ton of little strawberries that you can pile on top... or take them off and play with them separately... totally adorable!!Lastly... the come in lots of different flavors for the ultimate "creative play" experience... Strawberry, Vanilla & Chocolate...amazing right!? I dunno how she has the patience for it all... so many tiny little details... Now, I started the felt obsession around christmas time... Zavery is behind in his speech just like Gavin was (her son) She really urged using the food as a way to help him to develop faster and it REALLY has helped. Im so grateful for her advice... we talk about the names of the food... the colors of the food... how we eat the food... what we put with the food... we could the foods... we could the seeds/dots on the food... and the list goes on and on... its been such an amazing way to get him to sit down & learn & practice without him even knowing it... he has made great strides in the last month and I really think alot of it has to do with their little kitchen & felt food. *Keep it up Zave, mama's proud of you!*
So obviously you see where im going with this... ;) You guys are quick! There is a giveaway this week... but not with one... TWO prizes... we have ONE VANILLA/Strawberry cake to giveaway... and ONE STRAWBERRY/Strawberry cake to giveaway... but before I get to that... i wanna say really quick - i would love to see alot of sales in the BABYBOOFELT shop while they are stuck in the hospital... I went and bought a hot dog and the m&m candies... help her out with hospital bills, keep her busy while she is waiting for tiny little Lilly to come home... Im sure they will appreciate it... now- back to business ;)
#1:  Mandatory entry:  Tell us one item that you just LOVE from the BabyBooFelt etsy store.Extra entries?? But of course :)
#2) Follow us publicly here on (blogger) - Leave a separate comment for being a (old or new) follower on our blog.
Follow/Tweet us (Twitter) - Leave a separate comment for being a follower and TWEETING about this giveaway on Twitter... If your already a twitter follower of ours, TWEET about it for an extra entry anyways :)
 Can tweet once daily for extra entries!Tweet This: "Free Giveaway: TWO WINNERS felt food for creative play - handmade by @babyboofelt Prize = a vanilla or strawberry cake http://bit.ly/aJrrKZ"#4) Be brave... tell me something you LOVE about yourself.
#5) Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook...#6)"Heart" the BabyBooFelt etsy page, and "favorite/heart" two items...#7) "Heart" the RockerByeBaby etsy page, and "favorite/heart" two items...#8) Follow BabyBooFelt on twitter!#9) BIG BONUS: Make a purchase from BabyBooFelt... any $ amount, just a purchase... come back here and leave FIVE comments with the link to the transaction.... thats 5 extra entries... 
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Bliss = Vintage confections...

So - I have always stalked this shop... Vintage confections... if you remember, she made my skull suckers for the wedding...

well, since then I have been eyeing the Red Velvet Cake Truffles...  I finally broke down the other day... no, I dont need to be eating these... but Aunt Flo has made her presence known and there wasn't an ounce of chocolate in the house. Except for ZaQ's choc. Special K... *bleck* So i broke down and requested a half order of them.  Today the mailman knocked as usual... (pretty much daily, lol) and he had a pretty lil package that I jsut could wait to RIP into... and I did just that... I flew past the other 4 packages and dove right for the chocolate. Opened up the Cute little ribbon & box... and there they were...

aren't they beautiful?! I almost couldn't eat them they were so pretty... well, almost for like 1 second.

Granted these are bite size, but know what a fat @$$ i would be if I ate them all in one sitting... i bit it in half... the inside was such a moist red cake... the chocolate was the perfect hardened texture... pure bliss...

Yum... I highly recommend EVERYONE go message her right now asking for some of these... I literally stopped in the middle of sewing a blanket to post about this... so if that doesn't tell you how amazing they are... i dunno what will. GO! And then when you get them, come back here and post about it :)
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