Squarespace Blog / "vintage confections"

MMMMmmmm Candy.

 Last month, my little sissy went off to college... so slowly but surely, I have been having fun little goodies show up at her dorm... A nice little pick me up surprise to put a smile on her face... The most recent one *so far* has been from one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE shops... Vintage Confections. We have been long time fans since hubby and I got married back in July of 2009... We had her make us these AMAZING red skull suckers for our candy table & favors, and they were the perfect touch.  They are shown below in the bottom right hand corner. I swear these suckers alone were the reason for the happiness of my youngest boy, Zavery... If I had to guess I would say he had 3-5 of them... and they are huge super sweet suckers... and he loved every minute of it. And his red candy stains lips and face perfectly coordinated with the wedding :) Well, last month I was cruising Etsy *as usual* and searching for goodies for my Mustache obsessed sister... when I came across my old friend Vintage Confections... and what is THE COOLEST mustache goodie I have ever seen... the mustache sucker... and even better yet - they were on sale!!! We got 12 custom suckers for $10 and shipping.  You get to choose your color & your flavor... and we went with black suckers and blueberry flavor. They were a huge hit... my sister was SO excited. She immediately sent me a picture of her (right) and her friend Katie (left) enjoying they sugary goodness. So I just wanted to take a second to say a huge thank you to my friend behind Vintage Confections...  for putting out such amazing treats for us all to enjoy... They are SO SO busy right now that custom orders are taking a bit... BUT if you're in a hurry, she just started an awesome ready to ship section for all your impulsive candy needs :) So stop by and try some new treats! And be sure to tell her RockerByeBaby sent you :) Remember... life is "sweet" :)
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Bliss = Vintage confections...

So - I have always stalked this shop... Vintage confections... if you remember, she made my skull suckers for the wedding...

well, since then I have been eyeing the Red Velvet Cake Truffles...  I finally broke down the other day... no, I dont need to be eating these... but Aunt Flo has made her presence known and there wasn't an ounce of chocolate in the house. Except for ZaQ's choc. Special K... *bleck* So i broke down and requested a half order of them.  Today the mailman knocked as usual... (pretty much daily, lol) and he had a pretty lil package that I jsut could wait to RIP into... and I did just that... I flew past the other 4 packages and dove right for the chocolate. Opened up the Cute little ribbon & box... and there they were...

aren't they beautiful?! I almost couldn't eat them they were so pretty... well, almost for like 1 second.

Granted these are bite size, but know what a fat @$$ i would be if I ate them all in one sitting... i bit it in half... the inside was such a moist red cake... the chocolate was the perfect hardened texture... pure bliss...

Yum... I highly recommend EVERYONE go message her right now asking for some of these... I literally stopped in the middle of sewing a blanket to post about this... so if that doesn't tell you how amazing they are... i dunno what will. GO! And then when you get them, come back here and post about it :)
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