Squarespace Blog / "red velvet truffle"

Bliss = Vintage confections...

So - I have always stalked this shop... Vintage confections... if you remember, she made my skull suckers for the wedding...

well, since then I have been eyeing the Red Velvet Cake Truffles...  I finally broke down the other day... no, I dont need to be eating these... but Aunt Flo has made her presence known and there wasn't an ounce of chocolate in the house. Except for ZaQ's choc. Special K... *bleck* So i broke down and requested a half order of them.  Today the mailman knocked as usual... (pretty much daily, lol) and he had a pretty lil package that I jsut could wait to RIP into... and I did just that... I flew past the other 4 packages and dove right for the chocolate. Opened up the Cute little ribbon & box... and there they were...

aren't they beautiful?! I almost couldn't eat them they were so pretty... well, almost for like 1 second.

Granted these are bite size, but know what a fat @$$ i would be if I ate them all in one sitting... i bit it in half... the inside was such a moist red cake... the chocolate was the perfect hardened texture... pure bliss...

Yum... I highly recommend EVERYONE go message her right now asking for some of these... I literally stopped in the middle of sewing a blanket to post about this... so if that doesn't tell you how amazing they are... i dunno what will. GO! And then when you get them, come back here and post about it :)
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