Squarespace Blog / "baby"

Hoppy Easter from Ms. Rozzlyn!

Spent about 2 hours on and off thoughout the day trying to get her to smile... Camera up = no smile... camera down = BIGGGGG smiles. Eventually I gave up, haha 

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We heart EcoStore USA

There are products that support you, so you brag them up and down... then there are the products that you truly just love, and they make your life easier... One of those many brands is EcoStore USA. I have been a constant supporter of them for over almost 3 years now. I use all of their baby line on the kids. (Even the two older boys). The baby wash is gentle enough for Ms. Rozzlyn sensitive skin... The Shampoo doesn't irritate their eyes and still leaves Zavery's thick curly hair nice and soft.

And one of our favorites is definitely the "Sleepy Time Bath". Its become part of our routine to add it to bath before bed. It helps to settle down the little lady and get ready for a good nights sleep.

 The best thing however, they have just lowered their prices AND they added a baby moisturizer. YAY! Guess that means Ill be making another order soon! Just to prove to you how much I stand behind them - I am going to give away a brand new bottle of their BABY SHAMPOO (because I buy like 3 at a time, HAHAHAHA). Why am I doing this? Because I love them, and I want others to get a chance to love it as much as I do, even at my own expense. ALSO, because they are trying to win a contest to get on the shelves at Wal-Mart, which would make me OH SO HAPPY to be able to pick up their line locally.

So, how to win your bottle of EcoStore Baby Shampoo.
(Each one must be separate to be counted accurately)

#1: VOTE for them... click here to follow this link and use either TEXT or FACEBOOK to vote for them to "get on the shelf."
#2: Fan EcoStoreUSA on facebook.
#3: Follow EcoStoreUSA on Twitter.
#4: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter.
#5: Tweet This: "Free Giveaway: Win a Bottle of @ecostoreusa Baby Shampoo from @RockerByeBaby http://punkrockerbyebaby.blogspot.com/2012/04/we-heart-ecostore-usa.html"

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Ms. Princess has a tummy ache :(

 We started some solids with Ms. Rozz... and after a couple weeks of trying different things, I screwed up and gave her a breakfast of fresh pureed organic bananas mixed with rice cereal. *dumb dumb dumb* My poor little lady has been "backed up" to put it nicely... So, I cut the cereal totally and have been giving her lots of fruits hoping to stir things up..... and this morning I even gave her some watered down prune juice... but nothing seems to be helping... I know this isn't the most exciting topic of conversation, but I know lots of you understand it... does anyone have any good, natural tips to helping her out? I have been do proud making all my own baby food... but I just want to be sure I'm not making anything that will constipate her. Feel free to post all your baby pooping tips below, haha. Thanks!
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sleeeeeeeeep baby!

Sleep? What's that? I don't even know anymore. I spend so little time sleeping lately that I feel like it more like napping. Instead of saying "time for bed" I literally say, "it's time for a nap".  I'm stupid - and the one chunk of the night where she sleeps about 4-5 hours straight... I spend working, emailing, *ahem* blogging (at 3am)... Its just that its the only time I can get quiet, uninterrupted mommy space to get things done. Tonight has been one of those nights that Ms. Rozzlyn has been awake about every 1-2 hours because her teeth are bugging her :( I need to get her one of these cool Twista Rattles from Nuby.
 I bet she would love chomping away at it! Can you believe it!? My teeny baby girl is already 5 months old, and teething! And sitting up in her bumbo, and eating food, and playing, and sleeping in her crib... and... and... and...... *tears* Where has the time gone? I could cry. She needs to slow down that whole growing thing and just be my baby girl for a little while. Well - time for a nap... daddy is snoring away on the couch, so I think thats my sign to get us both in bed... even if just for a couple hours. Sweet dreams all!
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We meet again...

It seems like I go through these blogging spurts... where I'll be flooding Blogger with posts of kids, work, life, favorites, rants, etc... then there is a stand still... Well, it happened again. Life happened. Chaos has ensued at the Zrust house... between work & kids... I hardly have time to say hello to my husband, let alone post a meaningful blog daily... but I hate it. I LOVE blogging. I love your comments, positivity, feedback, and well wishes. Sometimes I find myself blogging in my brain before bed... If only there was a way for my thoughts to magically transfer into a well written blog. Complete with pictures and cute things my kids have said. But, that doesn't work that way... Anyways, I am rambling. I come here today to announce a SUPER awesome baby shower I am hosting for my good friend Ashley. Starting Monday we will be posting at least one giveaway a day for a week! Its filled with so so so much awesomeness. I can't wait to show you all! So stay tuned, I promise it will be worth your while!
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