Squarespace Blog / "easter"
Hoppy Easter from Ms. Rozzlyn!
Spent about 2 hours on and off thoughout the day trying to get her to smile... Camera up = no smile... camera down = BIGGGGG smiles. Eventually I gave up, haha

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Wordless Wednesday - Lucky
Pictures from Easter Sunday.... im sorry for bragging, but could they be any cuter?? How did I get so lucky... ?

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Wordless Wednesday - Love...
I never really post pictures of zaq and I... since Im usually gooing over my kids, or everyone elses kids, lol so I thought today would be a good day for that... we were at an Easter party and snapped a quick photo and i just LOVE it... i LOVE the way the sun has just blown it out... its sooo bright... so rad... love it!?

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