The Octo Hoodie... and Izzaq with his model face... lol
Isn't it awesome?? And i was worried about size but its perfect... even a little big so they will get at least a good years wear out of it which is ALWAYS important to me. Up next are the AMAZING Brooke Van Gory recycled tshirt pants. When she started doing this i was blown away... such a genius idea and I hadn't seen anyone else on etsy doing it. What a great, fun way to be eco friendly and not compromise style... can you imagine the perfect toddler Misfits pants? Or toddler pants made from your old high school baseball shirt?? LOVE!! So yeah - she sent us four pair... they all equally rock and the boys love wearing them. Im totally jealous because they look SOOO soft and comfy. And the way they are made with the eastic band they will fit forever.... I can see around 5 or 6 cutting them off as shorts... REALLLY good investment for you mommies :)
Izzaq's showing you his big muscles, lol Looks like a poop face... or like his head might explode.... but... he's straining... hahahah. Below are more pics of the pants... and one more little shout out. "Peas of Mind" Carrot Fries...
I always talk about tryign to be good about what I feed the boys... for dinner they are eating All white meat baked chicken nuggets & baked Carrot Fries. I have been watching them at target and FINALLY they went on sale.. one bag was $3.50 (2/$7) They are almost $5 regular price so I was being cheap about it... but didnt know if the boys would like them. They come in 4 different flavors... Carrot fries, Apple Fries, Cauliflower Fries, and Broccoli fries. They have lots of other products as well. But for me it was all about taking a regular nuggets and tater tots dinner and make it healthy. The boys love them and they are a great way to get some extra vitamins & vegis.

"Baked Carrot Veggie Wedgies are made from real carrots and are high in Vitamin A for healthy eyes! These fries are crispy without the added oil and sodium of regular fries. Try them dipped in ranch dressing or hummus.
• Fat Free
• Gluten Free
• Dairy Free
• Soy Free
• Vegan"
Now - with that said... I think I could make my own... I want to make a pack of Idaho mashed potatos and puree a pound of carrots... throw in a little salt.... mix it ALL together... then roll it out in little sticks... bake them... then freeeze them... I really think it would be the same. Let me know if anyone tries it... Maybe Chef Jen would know how to do it :) A future recipe for The Toddler Cafe perhaps!? With a shout out to RockerByeBaby? lol alright... im done plugging. Be sure to check out all the shops I mentioned today... and I would love to hear some ideas about those vegi fries! The cheap, handmade version :) Brooke, you make your own baby food... get those wheels turning!!