Squarespace Blog / "brooke van gory"
Favorites Friday: Houndstooth...
mmmm I love a good black & white houndstooth... did you see the blanket I made the other day? It sold out in about 3 hours, lol I LOVED it... and had to keep one for myself in case we ever get a little girl :)
So with my love of houndstooth and the new (and now gone) blanket... I thought Houndstooth was the perfect choice for this weeks favorites friday :) Enjoy! As always - if any of you amazing sellers would like to host a review & giveaway let me know! We would love to have you!Thanks!
#1: Mariforssell - Unisex Stash iPad / Netbook Messenger Bag
#2: BrookeVanGoryDesigns - The Fundamental Tote Style Diaper Bag - Houndstooth
#3: Cantaloupe Corner - Houndstooth Ships Ahoy Applique Creeper
#4: Smarmy - Grayscale Patchwork Armwarmers
#5: PolkaDotsMoonBeans - Checked Out (throw Pillow)
#6: Small Threads - OctoStache Adult Shirt
#7: RedBirdRoadDesigns - Houndstooth Coasters
#8: Oatmeallacedesign - Horse & houndstooth Amanda clutch.
#9: GadgetGlamour - iPod iTouch Case
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#1: Mariforssell - Unisex Stash iPad / Netbook Messenger Bag
#2: BrookeVanGoryDesigns - The Fundamental Tote Style Diaper Bag - Houndstooth
#3: Cantaloupe Corner - Houndstooth Ships Ahoy Applique Creeper
#4: Smarmy - Grayscale Patchwork Armwarmers
#5: PolkaDotsMoonBeans - Checked Out (throw Pillow)
#6: Small Threads - OctoStache Adult Shirt
#7: RedBirdRoadDesigns - Houndstooth Coasters
#8: Oatmeallacedesign - Horse & houndstooth Amanda clutch.
#9: GadgetGlamour - iPod iTouch Case

Rocky the Zombie said...
Rockerbyebaby and Brooke have always been in my side buttons!

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Custom Tote Giveaway from the ONE & ONLY: Brooke Van Gory!
Now, i can't even begin to tell you how excited about this I am... I realized that Tuesday had come again, and i didnt have a giveaway to post! So I gave Brooke a call and said - hey! Lets You should giveaway a wet bag or a gift certificate on my blog this week! Of course, in all Brooke's awesomeness she said yes, but she upped the ante ... and have a super special giveaway in store for you... but first, lets talk about the Mrs. behind Brooke Van Gory...

Brooke is one of my bestest friends... not only is she an amazing friend & mama... but she's an awesome seamstress... All of her diaper bags (Expedient Bags) are custom made just for the customer... you choose the color of your base, and the print of the pockets... and can even be as detailed as the piping & stitching... see?! i told you... amazing...

All of these diaper bags are her standard design... and you can even order it in a larger size. They are also GREAT for cloth diapering mamas who have to carry around a lot of diapers... and dont forget to ask her about the custom matching wet-bag that attaches to the outside of the bag so it doesn't take up room on the inside! But dont think that is all... she doesn't just do diaper bags! She also makes beautiful camera bags...

as well as an awesome, simpler tote style bag... that I totally love.

The Fundamental is a generously sized tote-style diaper bag. It is perfect for daily running around, for trips to the park, or to leave with a sitter. A bit smaller (not by much) then The Expedient this bag was bult to allow for plenty of room inside to allow for diapers, blankies, toys, and bibs, and 2 outer pockets for "mommy things". Its perfect for daddy's on the go... Speaking of Daddy's on the go... Brooke made this tote for The Guncles to send along in my gift basket for them! Awesome right!?
And guess what... you will get one too. Brooke is going to give one lucky winner the "Doodle Skulls" Tote bag... customized to your liking...

The tote will be black, with the black & white doodle skulls print, and you get to choose the coordinating color for the straps. This print is perfectly neutral, so if you are wanting something daddy will carry too I would recommend maybe a red? Or.. oh, oh oh!! Turquoise would be awesome :) Totally fun & awesome right?
This bag is a $59.99 value that one lucky winner will get for free!
Heres how to win :)
How to Win:
#1: Make ANY purchase from Brooke Van Gory and get 5 extra entries.
#2: Follow Brooke on Twitter!
#3: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter!
#4: Tweet This: (up to once daily)
"Customized tote bag #giveaway from @crossbones_inc ($60 value)at the @rockerbyebaby blog Comment at link to enter! http://bit.ly/9OfsIv"
#5: Heart Brooke Van Gory and two items on etsy
#6: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog! (sidebar)
#7: "Like" Brooke Van Gory on facebook!
#8: "Like" RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#9: Put the Rockerbyebaby flash button on your blog or website. (3 extra entries) *sidebar*
#10: If your the lucky winner, what color accents would you pick!?
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Brooke is one of my bestest friends... not only is she an amazing friend & mama... but she's an awesome seamstress... All of her diaper bags (Expedient Bags) are custom made just for the customer... you choose the color of your base, and the print of the pockets... and can even be as detailed as the piping & stitching... see?! i told you... amazing...

All of these diaper bags are her standard design... and you can even order it in a larger size. They are also GREAT for cloth diapering mamas who have to carry around a lot of diapers... and dont forget to ask her about the custom matching wet-bag that attaches to the outside of the bag so it doesn't take up room on the inside! But dont think that is all... she doesn't just do diaper bags! She also makes beautiful camera bags...

as well as an awesome, simpler tote style bag... that I totally love.

The Fundamental is a generously sized tote-style diaper bag. It is perfect for daily running around, for trips to the park, or to leave with a sitter. A bit smaller (not by much) then The Expedient this bag was bult to allow for plenty of room inside to allow for diapers, blankies, toys, and bibs, and 2 outer pockets for "mommy things". Its perfect for daddy's on the go... Speaking of Daddy's on the go... Brooke made this tote for The Guncles to send along in my gift basket for them! Awesome right!?
And guess what... you will get one too. Brooke is going to give one lucky winner the "Doodle Skulls" Tote bag... customized to your liking...

The tote will be black, with the black & white doodle skulls print, and you get to choose the coordinating color for the straps. This print is perfectly neutral, so if you are wanting something daddy will carry too I would recommend maybe a red? Or.. oh, oh oh!! Turquoise would be awesome :) Totally fun & awesome right?
This bag is a $59.99 value that one lucky winner will get for free!
Heres how to win :)
How to Win:
#1: Make ANY purchase from Brooke Van Gory and get 5 extra entries.
#2: Follow Brooke on Twitter!
#3: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter!
#4: Tweet This: (up to once daily)
"Customized tote bag #giveaway from @crossbones_inc ($60 value)at the @rockerbyebaby blog Comment at link to enter! http://bit.ly/9OfsIv"
#5: Heart Brooke Van Gory and two items on etsy
#6: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog! (sidebar)
#7: "Like" Brooke Van Gory on facebook!
#8: "Like" RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#9: Put the Rockerbyebaby flash button on your blog or website. (3 extra entries) *sidebar*
#10: If your the lucky winner, what color accents would you pick!?

Swinger Sunday - "The Mommy Thing"
Welcome Brooke - from Brooke Van Gory to the stage... i love Brookie... and im sure you all do/will too..
Most days, I wake up in the morning, and want to shove the blankets over my face, and go back to sleep. But I drag my butt out of bed, and get to doing what I do. Which is be a mommy. Now here is the kicker. I have some friends that are mommies, and they have kids no older then 3, and they cannot for the life of themselves understand why I have such a tough time on a day to day basis.
Well, here goes the gist of it. With a baby, you get 12 hours of sleep out of them after they start sleeping through the night. OK, I have that, Gory is almost 1, so that is doable. And I work from home, so that would allow for me to have time after 8pm to work, and I could work during nap time, and life would be dandy! But Evan, on the other hand, well, now that is a whole other different story. I wake up at 6am to get Gory out of bed, then wake up Evan to get him ready for school, I feel Gory a bottle, while making sure all Evan's homework is in his backpack, drive him to school, and come back real quick to feed Gory breakfast. At 2pm, I load Gory BACK into the car (nap be damned at this point) to pick Evan UP from school. Get home to start his homework (did I forget to mention that Evan is special needs, and ADD, and it sometimes takes up to 2 hours a night for homework!??!) make dinner, and then try to clean up a bit. And now that Evan is almost 10, his bedtime is 9:00. So that is hard, It is hard finding time to balance a school aged tween with an infant. It is hard for Evan to understand that Gory sometimes needs things, and I need to help him, and put Evan on the back burner for a minute. It is harder then I ever imagined. But you know what?
I have the best 2 sons I anyone could ever wish for. Evan is the most caring brother to Gory, and having him be older, makes him respect Gory even more, and he is patient to a fault. Gory loves Evan, and calls for him each morning to come see him in his room. The bone between them is magical, and on the days when I feel like I am about to lose it, it is the love of these two brothers that makes me realize that I am doing this mommy thing right.

Keep Rockin' mama... we talk daily... we rant daily... sometimes we laugh, sometimes yell... sometimes wanna cry... but your right... were working our asses off and doing this mommy thing right...
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Most days, I wake up in the morning, and want to shove the blankets over my face, and go back to sleep. But I drag my butt out of bed, and get to doing what I do. Which is be a mommy. Now here is the kicker. I have some friends that are mommies, and they have kids no older then 3, and they cannot for the life of themselves understand why I have such a tough time on a day to day basis.
Well, here goes the gist of it. With a baby, you get 12 hours of sleep out of them after they start sleeping through the night. OK, I have that, Gory is almost 1, so that is doable. And I work from home, so that would allow for me to have time after 8pm to work, and I could work during nap time, and life would be dandy! But Evan, on the other hand, well, now that is a whole other different story. I wake up at 6am to get Gory out of bed, then wake up Evan to get him ready for school, I feel Gory a bottle, while making sure all Evan's homework is in his backpack, drive him to school, and come back real quick to feed Gory breakfast. At 2pm, I load Gory BACK into the car (nap be damned at this point) to pick Evan UP from school. Get home to start his homework (did I forget to mention that Evan is special needs, and ADD, and it sometimes takes up to 2 hours a night for homework!??!) make dinner, and then try to clean up a bit. And now that Evan is almost 10, his bedtime is 9:00. So that is hard, It is hard finding time to balance a school aged tween with an infant. It is hard for Evan to understand that Gory sometimes needs things, and I need to help him, and put Evan on the back burner for a minute. It is harder then I ever imagined. But you know what?
I have the best 2 sons I anyone could ever wish for. Evan is the most caring brother to Gory, and having him be older, makes him respect Gory even more, and he is patient to a fault. Gory loves Evan, and calls for him each morning to come see him in his room. The bone between them is magical, and on the days when I feel like I am about to lose it, it is the love of these two brothers that makes me realize that I am doing this mommy thing right.
Keep Rockin' mama... we talk daily... we rant daily... sometimes we laugh, sometimes yell... sometimes wanna cry... but your right... were working our asses off and doing this mommy thing right...