Squarespace Blog / "soap"
Baby Blogging Bash! Giveaway #4! Rockin Green!
MMMmmmmm Rockin Green...
something i hold NEAR & DEAR to my heart... It is a regular staple in this house now, and it all started way back when I was offered a chance to review a couple samples & host a giveaway... here I am a YEAR later still "rockin" ROCKinGreen!

Kim is SUCH an amazing woman... she has donated soap to some of the "charity giftings" I have done in the past... giving mommys with nothing a chance to still cloth diaper which the help of some of my other mommy friends donating diapers... shes so loving... and I always appreciate her help. But enough of that sappy stuff... lets talk about soap!
Soap... boring right? WRONG. "ROCKinGreen detergents are safe for you and the enviro- ment. Rockin’ Green is: Dye free, Comes in several yummy scents (& an unscented version for sensitive skin), No fillers, No enzymes or optical brighteners, 100% Phosphate free, Vegan, great for sensitive skin, and MUCH MUCH MORE!" I stand by ROCKinGreen 110% and use their soap for EVERYTHING in my house... and tonight... I even Rocked a Soak...

By that i mean... I soaked all my cloth diapers in the bath tub for 2 hours... Half of these diapers are "new/used" ones i got from diaperswappers... omg, was it disgusting! I have soaked before with RnG and my water is always clear... but i have NEVER had this problem... CLEARLY these mamas were not using RnG... check it out...

the water was murky... very dark... just gross, and obviously soapy... which explains why within 2 hours of Zavery wearing one of these (even after I did a wash) he got a rash, he is very sensitive.... and one of these smelled so bad after only wearing it for about 30 minutes I had to take it off... i knew a soak was in order and ROCKinGreen would take care of it all... If you are a regular ROCKinGreen user, you know what I'm talking about... and if you DONT, you should totally try it. You can get samples from her website for .75 plus shipping and that will do 2/4 loads, (or a MUCH NEEDED soak)... Dont have the $ to spend right now? Never fear... take your chances here, because guess what!??!? Yep, you guessed it... a giveaway :) WE HAVE two winners this round... (Besides of course the Guest of Honor Mrs. Aymee Danger... she gets a bag too! She said I was spoiling her with ROCKinGreen, she's totally right :) One winner gets two sample packs that Kim sent me, and the other winner gets one 45 load bag of their choice! How do you win? Like this... Do at least ONE of the entries #1-#6 and then #7 is a free for all... Once you have done your mandatory entry you can enter with the #7 theme as many times as you would like... :) Have fun!
#1: Make ANY purchase (samples are fine too) from the ROCKinGreen website... comment with your order # for THREE ENTRIES. (three separate comments for each entry) ***edit: Orders made in the last WEEK will count towards this... just be sure to leave the order #***
#2: Subscribe to the ROCKinGreen YouTube channel. Some groooooooooss stuff in here that will make you change your bad detergent ways, lol
#3: Become a fan of the ROCKinGreen Facebook page!
#4: Follow @RockinGreenSoap on Twitter & tweet this (come back once a day to tweet for extra entries!)
"Enter 2 win @rockingreensoap during the #babybloggingbash @rockerbyebaby great 4 #clothdiapering & regular laundry! http://bit.ly/aofk1Z"
#5: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog!
#6: Grab our FLASH button from the sidebar and post it on your website/blog for 2 extra entries (comment twice with the link to where I can find it)
#7: Bonus entry/entries:
After doing at least ONE of the above entries... tell me your most disgusting cleaning story involving your kids... *with Aymee being a new mom and all she will need the preparation, lol*
My pretend entry... tonight... yes - tonight. I accidentally washed a poopy diaper in the washer... the babysitter is new to cloth and i totally forgot to tell her to dump the poop... I didnt notice, and did my first rinse... I opened the lid and though I was gunna puke! poop everywhere... I spent the next hour scrubbing the washer and running rinses w/ rockin green to get it clean. *shivers* NOTE TO SELF: Dont EVER do that again.... double, no TRIPLE check diapers for poop...

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something i hold NEAR & DEAR to my heart... It is a regular staple in this house now, and it all started way back when I was offered a chance to review a couple samples & host a giveaway... here I am a YEAR later still "rockin" ROCKinGreen!

Kim is SUCH an amazing woman... she has donated soap to some of the "charity giftings" I have done in the past... giving mommys with nothing a chance to still cloth diaper which the help of some of my other mommy friends donating diapers... shes so loving... and I always appreciate her help. But enough of that sappy stuff... lets talk about soap!
Soap... boring right? WRONG. "ROCKinGreen detergents are safe for you and the enviro- ment. Rockin’ Green is: Dye free, Comes in several yummy scents (& an unscented version for sensitive skin), No fillers, No enzymes or optical brighteners, 100% Phosphate free, Vegan, great for sensitive skin, and MUCH MUCH MORE!" I stand by ROCKinGreen 110% and use their soap for EVERYTHING in my house... and tonight... I even Rocked a Soak...

By that i mean... I soaked all my cloth diapers in the bath tub for 2 hours... Half of these diapers are "new/used" ones i got from diaperswappers... omg, was it disgusting! I have soaked before with RnG and my water is always clear... but i have NEVER had this problem... CLEARLY these mamas were not using RnG... check it out...

the water was murky... very dark... just gross, and obviously soapy... which explains why within 2 hours of Zavery wearing one of these (even after I did a wash) he got a rash, he is very sensitive.... and one of these smelled so bad after only wearing it for about 30 minutes I had to take it off... i knew a soak was in order and ROCKinGreen would take care of it all... If you are a regular ROCKinGreen user, you know what I'm talking about... and if you DONT, you should totally try it. You can get samples from her website for .75 plus shipping and that will do 2/4 loads, (or a MUCH NEEDED soak)... Dont have the $ to spend right now? Never fear... take your chances here, because guess what!??!? Yep, you guessed it... a giveaway :) WE HAVE two winners this round... (Besides of course the Guest of Honor Mrs. Aymee Danger... she gets a bag too! She said I was spoiling her with ROCKinGreen, she's totally right :) One winner gets two sample packs that Kim sent me, and the other winner gets one 45 load bag of their choice! How do you win? Like this... Do at least ONE of the entries #1-#6 and then #7 is a free for all... Once you have done your mandatory entry you can enter with the #7 theme as many times as you would like... :) Have fun!
#1: Make ANY purchase (samples are fine too) from the ROCKinGreen website... comment with your order # for THREE ENTRIES. (three separate comments for each entry) ***edit: Orders made in the last WEEK will count towards this... just be sure to leave the order #***
#2: Subscribe to the ROCKinGreen YouTube channel. Some groooooooooss stuff in here that will make you change your bad detergent ways, lol
#3: Become a fan of the ROCKinGreen Facebook page!
#4: Follow @RockinGreenSoap on Twitter & tweet this (come back once a day to tweet for extra entries!)
"Enter 2 win @rockingreensoap during the #babybloggingbash @rockerbyebaby great 4 #clothdiapering & regular laundry! http://bit.ly/aofk1Z"
#5: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog!
#6: Grab our FLASH button from the sidebar and post it on your website/blog for 2 extra entries (comment twice with the link to where I can find it)
#7: Bonus entry/entries:
After doing at least ONE of the above entries... tell me your most disgusting cleaning story involving your kids... *with Aymee being a new mom and all she will need the preparation, lol*
My pretend entry... tonight... yes - tonight. I accidentally washed a poopy diaper in the washer... the babysitter is new to cloth and i totally forgot to tell her to dump the poop... I didnt notice, and did my first rinse... I opened the lid and though I was gunna puke! poop everywhere... I spent the next hour scrubbing the washer and running rinses w/ rockin green to get it clean. *shivers* NOTE TO SELF: Dont EVER do that again.... double, no TRIPLE check diapers for poop...

WINNERS of the Heathens Hearth Giveaway!
#1 Draw: #9 - SENSITIVE
Slee said... 9
stalk your blog publicly

#2 Draw: #50 - NORMAL
Pili said... 50
Aaaaaand, I'm also following Heathen's Hearth blog with this account, as Pili.

# Draw: # 51 - OILY
vicmes said... 51
ohh..this stuff look great..i would need some for the oily skin

*whew* that was alot of work, lol Alright - three winners! Yay! Ill contact you now and i need to hear back within 3 days or I will be forced to choose another winner... Really... *forced* little elves come out with pitchforks & torches and make me pick... its sad... and scary... lets not make that happen ;) Congrats winners & a special thanks to Heathens Heart for this rad giveaway!
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Slee said... 9
stalk your blog publicly
#2 Draw: #50 - NORMAL
Pili said... 50
Aaaaaand, I'm also following Heathen's Hearth blog with this account, as Pili.
# Draw: # 51 - OILY
vicmes said... 51
ohh..this stuff look great..i would need some for the oily skin
*whew* that was alot of work, lol Alright - three winners! Yay! Ill contact you now and i need to hear back within 3 days or I will be forced to choose another winner... Really... *forced* little elves come out with pitchforks & torches and make me pick... its sad... and scary... lets not make that happen ;) Congrats winners & a special thanks to Heathens Heart for this rad giveaway!

Sorry everyone.. Ive been SO sick the last few days...
and last night after the boys went to bed I took medicine and crashed...
an totally spaced the review... :(
Should we let them be up until Tuesday? I think so :)
Its only fair...
ESPECIALLY with such an AWESOME review this week...
The Dancing Zebra
*A little background first*
LAst month I was in a treasury on etsy...
featured with a bunch of AWESOME sellers
that made cute pink punky goodness..
and the VooDoo Jill soap was featured as well!
I fell in love and knew i HAD to have them for a review.
I mean look at this... how could you not love these!

Let me tell you... they smell fantastic...
They create a great lather when your washing...
and leave your hands feeling fresh and clean...
With a lingering scent that I can STILL smell on my hands...
i LOVE it...
i will ABSOLUTELY be back to buy some more :)
Oh, and lets not forget how shiny and sparkley it made my new diamond...

You really gotta check her shop out...
She has much much more than just skulls...
but you know me, those were my favorite :)
Also check out the Steele and Titanium soaps for men!
She makes alot of mens "inspired by" scents...
Like Abercrombie and Fitch!
So check out her shop...
leave us a comment...
tell us your favorites...
and be entered to win a bar of the Voo Doo Jill!!
(Photo at top of review)
2 ways to get extra entries!!
*Buy a bar of her soap and leave us an extra comment telling which soap you bought...
*Blog, bulletin, twitter, facebook, whatever you can think of... about this review and post the link here for an extra entry!
So - three possibly entries this week!!
Thanks so much guys!
Enjoy and GOOD LUCK!!
the myspace blog about this review...
-to be valid...
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and last night after the boys went to bed I took medicine and crashed...
an totally spaced the review... :(
Should we let them be up until Tuesday? I think so :)
Its only fair...
ESPECIALLY with such an AWESOME review this week...
The Dancing Zebra
*A little background first*
LAst month I was in a treasury on etsy...
featured with a bunch of AWESOME sellers
that made cute pink punky goodness..
and the VooDoo Jill soap was featured as well!
I fell in love and knew i HAD to have them for a review.
I mean look at this... how could you not love these!
Let me tell you... they smell fantastic...
They create a great lather when your washing...
and leave your hands feeling fresh and clean...
With a lingering scent that I can STILL smell on my hands...
i LOVE it...
i will ABSOLUTELY be back to buy some more :)
Oh, and lets not forget how shiny and sparkley it made my new diamond...
You really gotta check her shop out...
She has much much more than just skulls...
but you know me, those were my favorite :)
Also check out the Steele and Titanium soaps for men!
She makes alot of mens "inspired by" scents...
Like Abercrombie and Fitch!
So check out her shop...
leave us a comment...
tell us your favorites...
and be entered to win a bar of the Voo Doo Jill!!
(Photo at top of review)
2 ways to get extra entries!!
*Buy a bar of her soap and leave us an extra comment telling which soap you bought...
*Blog, bulletin, twitter, facebook, whatever you can think of... about this review and post the link here for an extra entry!
So - three possibly entries this week!!
Thanks so much guys!
Enjoy and GOOD LUCK!!
the myspace blog about this review...
-to be valid...