Squarespace Blog / "chew toys"
Its been a month, forgive me? How about with a Nuby giveaway??
Its been a month since I blogged... Zaq has been on tour now for 5 weeks... were down to the home stretch and he will be back on Sunday... meaning things will get back to normal... well kinda. It seems like every time he comes back after a long trip - its just a different kind of normal to get used to... then by the time I do he's headed out on the road again. Im sure you military mamas know how I feel... Anyways - I appreciate those of you that are still hanging around... can you forgive me? How about with a Nuby giveaway?? I think that would be a GREAT way to kick off the week AND get your attention again :)
Today Ill be giving away a little 4 pack of goodies for you! Mrs Rozzlyn is checking it out for you... making sure it passes her strict inspection.
Now the the boss says its ok... lets continue... today's goodies are all kinda of focused around teething & fun.. Some just fun... some just teething... and some are both!
1: Brites Pacifier two Pack and Strap (0-6m) - "The classic oval baglet with symmetrical shield design ensures that the pacifier always fits in your baby’s mouth. Nuby’s air system allows air to circulate between baby’s delicate skin & pacifier. The pacifiers come in various fun bright colors and designs!" 2: Softees Soft Silicone Teether - "The new Softees™ Soft Silicone teether’s unique textured design provides comfort to baby’s delicate gums. It provides stimulus to the lips and tongue which promote the transition from nursing to chewing. Includes hygienic carrying case."
3: Teething Blanket - "The Nûby™ Teething blanket is designed to comfort and soothe your toddler through the teething process. The multiple teething surfaces on each corner allow your baby to chew and cut their first teeth, relieving sore and sensitive gums. The blanket crinkles and squeaks with a gentle squeeze of the soft fun characters and helps stimulate your baby’s senses and imagination." 4: "These Safari Chimes™, by Nûby™, are additional interactive toys that blend both fun and function. They feature bright colors, playful sounds, a variety of textures and fun characters that are sure to captivate your baby's imagination. Additionally, they hang from a clip that easily attaches to stroller, high chair, car seat, etc."
Of all the items in this giveaway - the teether has to be my favorite... they're SO SO cool... the silicone is that perfect combo of hard and soft for a teething baby... Rozzlyn LOVED all the little nubs and textures it features... and my favorite part was the hygienic carrying case... It was nice that it always had a clean home and wouldn't be pulled from the diaper bag covered in lint, smooshed crackers and who knows what else :)
So there ya have it! My attempt at bribery for you to love me... and forgive me for the unplanned and unwanted break. I promise Ill try my best to be better again! Now... go enter!
To enter: *Each # below is a separate entry, comment below (in separate comments) which each number you complete... The #10 entry is MANDATORY - each extra (1-9) are extra chances at being entered! 1: Fan Nuby Usa on Facebook 2: Follow Nuby on Twitter 3: Follow Nuby on Instagram - @nubyusa 4: Follow Nuby on Pinterest 5: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook 6: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter 7: Follow RockerByeBaby on Instagram. -@rockerbyebaby 8: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog (right hand side "follow") 9: Share this giveaway on facebook.
10: Tell me why you want to win this giveaway from Nuby.
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Today Ill be giving away a little 4 pack of goodies for you! Mrs Rozzlyn is checking it out for you... making sure it passes her strict inspection.
Of all the items in this giveaway - the teether has to be my favorite... they're SO SO cool... the silicone is that perfect combo of hard and soft for a teething baby... Rozzlyn LOVED all the little nubs and textures it features... and my favorite part was the hygienic carrying case... It was nice that it always had a clean home and wouldn't be pulled from the diaper bag covered in lint, smooshed crackers and who knows what else :)
So there ya have it! My attempt at bribery for you to love me... and forgive me for the unplanned and unwanted break. I promise Ill try my best to be better again! Now... go enter!
To enter: *Each # below is a separate entry, comment below (in separate comments) which each number you complete... The #10 entry is MANDATORY - each extra (1-9) are extra chances at being entered! 1: Fan Nuby Usa on Facebook 2: Follow Nuby on Twitter 3: Follow Nuby on Instagram - @nubyusa 4: Follow Nuby on Pinterest 5: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook 6: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter 7: Follow RockerByeBaby on Instagram. -@rockerbyebaby 8: Follow the RockerByeBaby blog (right hand side "follow") 9: Share this giveaway on facebook.
10: Tell me why you want to win this giveaway from Nuby.

Note to Self-Saturday: A Full house...
Two toddler boys (3&4) a hubby, a mommy, a Dixie (20 year old live in friend/nanny/helper/awesomeness) & two puppies... wow. FULL HOUSE! Oh, and of course one on the way!! Good thing we bought a nice, big house this year or there wouldn't be room for us all!
Today has been a non stop day of laundry... I think I have done about 6 loads in the last couple days, and folded them allllll today. I swear, just as Im getting finished - the monster pile comes out of nowhere and I start all over. Its never ending. And today - to top it all off my lovely home destroying puppies pee'd all over my fresh out of the dryer sheets... RIGHT in front of me. Ugh. These puppies are gunna be the end of me. They are more destructive and messy than my kids. They are the only puppies in the world that I've ever head of to chew through rubber toys made for big dogs... I bet in the last 6 months we have spend well over $200 on pacifiers, why? Because in a BLINK, they pups will take off with one and disappear. Later we find it chewed to pieces... Zaq bought this one last night. Its outrageous. They have chewed trim off my walls and around some of the door frames, they have ruined expensive toys and countless puzzle pieces. They've been being potty trained outside for months and still poop & pee inside at least once a day. And the thing that makes me the most crazy... is that we have brand new shag carpet (which they scratched a huge hole into in one spot) but I can see if they have accidents on the carpet, so just have to get it cleaned. I don't even know what to do anymore. I love my puppies - but any more I can't even enjoy them. Every time they are out, something gets ruined. Every room in the house has to have the door shut completely or something disappears! We are talking 9 month old Chihuahuas here!! Not giant great danes or St. Barnards! Im running out of ideas... out of patience... if any of you have any idea what i can do to make this chaos stop, let me know. Ive tried loads of toys... rubber chew toys, rope toys, congs, and they ruin it all... and the pacifiers, they will chew it right to the nub. HELP ME!! If i dont get this figured out before the baby comes, they're gunna have to go... I just can't take it anymore...

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