I kid you not, I have just gotten the CUTEST 100% handmade shirt for the rugrat.
ABunchaKids... they rock...
and no joke... their slogan is true...
A buncha stuff, for a buncha kids...
Felt food...
Cloth Diapers...
and.... some rad friggen clothes...
a whole buncha stuff.
These shirts rock...
totally handmade... and amazing fabric...
not thin t-shirt fabric... but not thick sweatshirt fabric...
the perfect mixture in between...
great all year round...
And lets not forget... its freakin' adorable!!
Check it out!
*enter pity party here...
my little man looks like such a big boy in this picture... aweeeeeeeee...
end pity party*
Anyways... best shirt ever... sooooooooo cute.
So ridiculasly well made.
And stretchy so there's plenty of room to grow...
It fits my 1 and a half year old... and almost 3 year old... SAME SHIRT!
I couldnt ask for anything better.
Its perfect.
And guess what! As usual... you get one too!!
How cute is this?
Girl... boy... unisex... pick your poison!
SO you know how it goes guys...
Leave us a comment with your favorite aBunchaKids item...
tell us why you want this...
2 ways to get extra entries!!
*Buy anything from her and leave us an extra comment telling which awesome bunch of things you bought...
*Blog, bulletin, twitter, facebook, whatever you can think of... about this review and post the link here for an extra entry!
So - three possibly entries this week!!
Thanks so much guys!
Enjoy and GOOD LUCK!!
CONGRATS! Email us with your address!!