Squarespace Blog / "valentine"
Zeds Zombie Ranch - Take my Heart
Last week in Canada Jen was showing me something that we both had to get our husbands... I want to be vague because I still need to get it for him... *yes - I will be starting a collection for our mantle* These goodies came form the amazing Zeds Zombie Ranch...
Its full of everything you could "need" in the way of zombie appreciation... from t-shirts, to garden signs... and my personal favorite - the skeletons. While checking out his shop I fell in love... completely. And immediately started choosing all the ones the husband just HAS to have... but with Valentines day right around the corner - I chose the "Take My Heart" skeleton... which ironically, zaq just wrote a song using very similar lyrics! It was perfect... He loved it... I love it... and Ill definitely be back for more... Oh, and PS - AMAZING customer service... I requested one on a Friday - he had it shipped priority mail on Monday and I opened it yesterday. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!
PS- Jason at Zed's Zombie Ranch is offering RockerByeBaby friends 10% off! Coupon code: ZedsRBBFriend at checkout!
"This little lover is holding open it's ribcage and handing it's heart over to you." *Take my heart... but be gentle.*
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PS- Jason at Zed's Zombie Ranch is offering RockerByeBaby friends 10% off! Coupon code: ZedsRBBFriend at checkout!
"This little lover is holding open it's ribcage and handing it's heart over to you." *Take my heart... but be gentle.*

Cutest Valentines ever!!
At the end of January we received a note home about Valentines... we weren't allowed to send candy or treats... so I had to get creative. Hmmmm. Just boring old valantines end up in the trash - so I knew I needed to step it up... I started searching on Etsy for some ideas. And with all the awesome options - these mustache tags caught my eye. I instantly knew what I was going to do... JsCraftyStudio - funny enough was located just about 9 miles from my home town. Of ALL the options, what are the chances of that!? Her customer service was fantastic... prices MORE than affordable - and a great quality product. She made me a custom order for 30 and had them out super quick... Today I ran to the dollar store and for $5 more picked up 30 stick on mustaches... As soon as Izzaq got home from school today we got to work... I hand wrote To & From on the back... and Izzaq wrote their names. Then we used double stick tape to attach the mustaches to the backs. Im so happy with how they turned out and he has already asked me about 100 times when they can all wear their mustaches. Handmade Valentines = success!!
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