Squarespace Blog / "buddha bunz"
Congrats Sarah! Giveaway #1 - Buddha Bunz
I can't tell you how excited we are to be hosting this little online baby shower for a REALLY great friend for mine... Sarah. Sarah is pregnant with a baby boy due August 19th (Ahem.. my birthday :) So we figured since so many states separate us from each other... an online shower was a necessity. For each gift Sarah gets... we are giving one away as well! There are 10+ sponsors... including RockerByeBaby of course... and we will be posting at least one a day, so be sure to keep checking back!!
To kick off this little party - we're starting with Buddha Bunz... now, its no secret that we are HUGE HUGE fans of her wool dryer balls... they are hand made (of course) and come in all sorts of colors, patterns & scents... My favorite combo so far has been *undyed*birthday cake* I love the pure, clean look of the natural wool.
And of course... who doesn't love the smell of Birthday Cake!? Or hey, maybe that's not your thing... never fear... there are over 50 scents to choose from... clean, fresh, fruity, sweet, manly... everything you could need. Not only do they make your clothes smell delicious... but they are eco-friendly seeing as they cut down dryer time... they also are safe on cloth diapers! Trust me... we have about 10+ balls floating around our house and in our dryer... Un-dyed... pink... turquoise... I can't even remember what other colors, haha but we have lots and love coming back for more. Its pretty often that I will go to switch loads and find an empty dryer. Why? Because the boys love to take the wool balls and play catch with them in the hallway! Fun for the whole family. And you can never have too many ;)
Now - you made it through my rambling about my true love for Buddha Bunz... and Im sure want me to get to the best part, right? Well - the BEST part... is Sarah was given a set of two Un-dyed, Un-Scented dryer balls... meaning we are giving away a matching set! If you want, you can pay $2 to have both balls scented :)
How to win: *must do the first three things, and leave them in separate comments below* all other entries are for extra's.
#1: Fan Buddha Bunz on Facebook.
#2: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#3: Share your favorite eco-friendly parenting tip with Sarah.
*all #'s below are extra*
#4: Follow Buddhabunz on Twitter
#5: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter
#6: Add Buddha Bunz to your Etsy Favorites
$7: Add RockerByeBaby to your Etsy Favorites
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Now - you made it through my rambling about my true love for Buddha Bunz... and Im sure want me to get to the best part, right? Well - the BEST part... is Sarah was given a set of two Un-dyed, Un-Scented dryer balls... meaning we are giving away a matching set! If you want, you can pay $2 to have both balls scented :)
How to win: *must do the first three things, and leave them in separate comments below* all other entries are for extra's.
#1: Fan Buddha Bunz on Facebook.
#2: Fan RockerByeBaby on Facebook.
#3: Share your favorite eco-friendly parenting tip with Sarah.
*all #'s below are extra*
#4: Follow Buddhabunz on Twitter
#5: Follow RockerByeBaby on Twitter
#6: Add Buddha Bunz to your Etsy Favorites
$7: Add RockerByeBaby to your Etsy Favorites