Squarespace Blog / "blog baby shower"
The Baby Blogging Bash update!! More prizes!
Many have heard you talking about how my best friend Aymee from back home is PREGNANT! SOOO exciting... and she is having a little princess named Maddie. YAY! Well, while in my pity party slump I decided that even though I am so far away, I can still throw a rad baby shower for her!! Thats where the Blog Bash comes in... We have LOADS of prizes arranged... lots of fun game ideas... and like last week... here is THIS weeks sneak peek into some of shops where the prizes are coming from!!
This weeks peek:
if your interested in joining in the giveaway PLEASE let me know, we would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you!!
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This weeks peek:
if your interested in joining in the giveaway PLEASE let me know, we would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you!!
Baby Blogging Bash! Read all about it!!
Many have heard you talking about how my best friend Aymee from back home is PREGNANT! SOOO exciting... and she is having a little princess named Maddie. YAY! Well, while in my pity party slump I decided that even though I am so far away, I can still through a rad baby shower for her!! Thats where the Blog Bash comes in... We have LOADS of prizes arranged... lots of fun game ideas...
SOME of these prizes will be coming from stores such as...
and MANNNNY many more!! Amazing right!?!? Im SOOO excited for you all, just WAIT till you see all the prizes... for now, start checking out banner to make your guesses on what you think it may be :) So, Mark your calendars... GIveaways Start 5/5 and run till were outta prizes!!! Those of you that are featured sellers that are NOT mentioned above, never fear... im listing them in bunches... and if your not there but WANT to be apart of the spotlight let me know!! rockerbyebaby@gmail.com and ill let you know all the details :) Thanks guys! And dont forget to greb the button from the side bar if you feel like helping promote. It will count for extra entries once we get started!!
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SOME of these prizes will be coming from stores such as...
and MANNNNY many more!! Amazing right!?!? Im SOOO excited for you all, just WAIT till you see all the prizes... for now, start checking out banner to make your guesses on what you think it may be :) So, Mark your calendars... GIveaways Start 5/5 and run till were outta prizes!!! Those of you that are featured sellers that are NOT mentioned above, never fear... im listing them in bunches... and if your not there but WANT to be apart of the spotlight let me know!! rockerbyebaby@gmail.com and ill let you know all the details :) Thanks guys! And dont forget to greb the button from the side bar if you feel like helping promote. It will count for extra entries once we get started!!