but i couldn't resist.
Yesterday Zaq & I went grocery shopping with the boys...
And i have made HUGE changes in the way that I shop...
Like I said - im trying to be more eco-friendly... and Green... and Crunchy....
and all of those kinda of things...
It started with little things I could do around the house... electricity... water...
and then diapering... Cloth @ home...
and the Green disposables diapers when were out or for nap & bedtime...
Then I started buying Organic as much as I can.

Well, for zaq its hard...
We have all been eating non-organic food forever and were still alive...
why stop now? And spend a ton of extra $ in the process?
...not really his thing, lol...
And alot of other people out there feel the same...
Im quoting an article I found here.
" Many people are aware that food grown according to organic principles is free from exposure to harmful herbicides and pesticides, but that is only one small aspect of organic agriculture. A larger part of organic agriculture involves the health of the soil and the ecosystem in which crops and livestock are raised. Why should a consumer care about agricultural techniques if an organically cultivated green pepper looks identical to a conventionally grown pepper?
The answer is multi-faceted, but simply stated, an organically cultivated pepper will be healthier and more nutritious than a conventionally cultivated pepper. By growing in a living soil where microbiotic activity constantly breaks organic matter and solid minerals into nutrients a plant can use, an organically cultivated pepper plant always has exactly what it needs to grow, from germination to fruit set, and the plant will be healthier throughout its lifespan than a conventionally grown pepper plant."
Still not completely sold? Maybe some of you are... but probably not most...
The price chance in items can be pretty huge sometimes...
Conventional Grapes cost around $2 a pound... Organic grapes sometimes costing up to $5.
Bananas that usually cost .29 cents a pound... may cost .50 a pound...
Its not easy... but there are ways to make eating & shopping organic more affordable.
Here is what I have been doing so Zaq and I can meet in the middle...
We used to buy all "brand" food... supplies... etc.
The first and probably most financially changing thing we did was start shopping @ Costco.
I can buy a 3 pound container for Organic Mixed salad greens for $2.95-$3.95
One time we even got a 3 pound shell of Organic strawberries for $5!!
I once went into target to find Strawberries - my only option were non-organic...
1 lb. for $6 Thats insane!!
So yes, Costco... they also sell the Eco-diapers we like @ Costco.com 170 diapers for $40...
rather than 62 diapers for $20 @ Target...
Costco is great when you need to do the one BIG shop...
spend a couple/few/four hundred dollars and store up for the month...
the savings are HUGE.
Anyways... back to my real point... shopping organic.
In no way do I buy everything organic...
but for the kids I try pretty hard to make positive changes...
In my shopping cart:
Organic Mac & Cheese...
Organic Ravs
Organic Lettuce (Romaine Hearts)
Organic Grapes (my favorite... never want to eat regular ones again)
Organic Yogurt (YoBaby w/ DHA) Organic Waffles
Organic Oatmeal
Organic Carrots
Organic Celery
Organic Bananas
and a bunch of other random things...
I buy when things are on sale... and some things I just buy that I love...
YoBaby and Organic grapes will ALWAYS be in the cart/fridge...
Im just trying to do better things for them...
with maybe a small sacrifice of my favorite brand for myself...
while not spending any more of hubbies hard earned money than we usually do...
The reason Im posting today is I would LOVE to hear how you mommies do it...
How do you shop? Where do you shop? Do you buy organic?
Everything Organic? Some things Organic?
Where are best deals... Coupons?
and how can you help me take even bigger steps towards an organic lifestyle.