Looking to spice up bath time? Get your hands on the Nuby Squid Squirter! This toy is sure to make things exciting! Its the first one the kids grab for when they get into the tub...

Why, do you ask? Because it makes the biggest mess... lol It makes me laugh reading the
diapers.com description... because it is totally true. "Nuby's Squid Squirter is a fun way for your child to shoot water all over the bathroom. When you hold the squid under water and pull the handle back the chamber is filled with water. Then push down on the handle and watch the water squirt everywhere. Parents beware, this will be aimed in your direction."SO right on...

They love pulling the curtain closed during bath time and squirting each other. Fun, Fun, Fun... but it can be equally messy... so put a smile on your face, grab a towel, and let them be kids... I will say though - the stream is pretty strong so make sure they're not spraying it too close to each other... I have to imagine it wouldn't feel so awesome in the eye.

Overall - I am always thrilled with Nuby toys... they're BPA free... easy to clean... and like I said - its the boys' favorite! So another win over here with Nuby. As you can see - our collection of Nuby bath toys is getting pretty large and were super happy with all of them!

Want one for yourself?
Available at BuyBuyBaby.com
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