If you remember from a couple weeks back we entered to be a part of the LilleBaby Ambassador program. Basically that means I get to try out all their brand spankin' new products and then come tell you ALL about them. This exciting for both of us. Why? Because I get to try fun new stuff for Rozz & new baby of course! 2: Because I get to come back here and help fellow mama's and papa's decide which carrier is best for them. They have SO many options and are soon releasing a new carrier sized to carrier your toddler, as well. I can't wait for that one! My favorite new item on the way is their actual Toddler Carrier... It's a carrier - for your toddler. Seriously. What is cuter than that? Can you imagine Rozz running around with a cabbage patch buckled to her chest?! I love it. So keep checking back as we will be posting all our favorite new LilleBaby goodies here at the blog!