Squarespace Blog / Life as Mom

Gluten Free Kids!

We tried awhile back and here we are again giving it another go. 100% super strict gluten free for Zavery. We are having some pretty dramatic emotional issues in school and it is really time to start cracking down to find some solutions. He also has speech issues - so step one was to set an appointment with the ENT doctor. That  is the first week of April. While we wait we decided to try gluten free again. Eventually we want to switch all the kids over to GF... seems like it will make life a lot easier. The first couple days were great and it seemed we (and his teacher) noticed a chance within 24/48 hours. Then today we had a rough day... but he DID eat some (non GF) chips at a friends house last night - so I can't help but wonder if that contributed to his behavior. I find it crazy that it could make him react so quickly - but the connection seems obvious. If any of you have any input, suggestions, favorite GF kids snacks or recipes - I would LOVE for you to weigh in! I plan to be posting lots of them here to the blog. I am really new to GF so feel free to share any experiences! 

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Donate to Ms. Lauren!

Meet Lauren! Cutest tiny baby EVER in Tiny baby history. She was super excited to meet her mom and dad... SO excited that she thought 30 weeks was a good time to come out. Well - she may have thought she was ready - but she wasn't exactly. Thankfully she is doing GREAT and growing fast... but medical bills, gas and expenses are piling up fast for mom & dad. They started a Go Fund Me to help raise funds. THey have raised about $1,000 so far - but every bit helps. So if you have a few extra dollars to spare - it would be put to great use here. They are driving an hour each way to see their baby girl as they are JUST out of the range for a room at the hospital. If you can't donate - that's ok! If you could share this post with others it would be equally helpful. Thank you so much! 

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Molly's P.Ink Tattoo

Im not going to say much here - and let the video speak for itself... But I will say that tattoo's can be tharaputic in so many ways... and it is so inspiring to see a breast cancer survivor turning her scars and pain into a beautiful work of art. So happy to see her smiling so big at the end of this video. 

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my babies.

Can't believe it... I have a 2 year old, a 6 year old, and a 7 year old... how has time gone by so quickly?? I surely did not give them permission to grow up so fast. Tonight we did a cake smash for Rozz & the boys wanted in on the fun too. Nana made them each their own cake so we figured we may as well do something fun with it! Have you done a cake smash with your littles? Such a fun way to document silly memories.  

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A follow up to Wonder Woman...

Yesterday I posted a witty little image about Wonder Woman... funny. Because we all do it, right? We juggle 52,000 different tasks at once... wake up to wild kids in the baby monitor, make breakfast, get the kids fed & dressed... we're eating cold breakfast, drinking cold coffee, and scrolling Facebook while sending emails. (If we even get to breakfast for ourselves). We're packing lunches while we make dinner for the night. We're picking weeds while playing in the yard. Cleaning the house while a tornado of children blow through destroying your progress. If you're like me you work from home... so you do that while a child or two play in the background... causing you to stop every 5 minutes. 10 if you're really lucky.


We strategically schedule naps after lunch and before school, because it it gets pushed later than that the baby is extra crabby from a short nap, and then when the after school chaos begins so does the mommy meltdown. I cram as much sewing into that 3 hour nap time as I assume most people can sew in a week. (I have literally had multiple people say it took them a week or more to make a crib set... I can make 3 start to finish in 5 hours.) Then after school we rush for parent pickup, rush to the store (or post office) rush home to get a snack, take a few minutes to do whatever other important tasks are on the list... make dinner... clean up from dinner... more emails... snuggles... bed for kids... hours of work & homework... and around 2 or 3am I go to bed for the alarm to go off about 5 hours later. Wow. Everyday... literally EVERY DAY is like that in my house... every minute is crammed into the next... and if I stop to breathe or change plans it just means the next day is even more crazy! "Take a break," everyone says... but it is easier said than done. I am now the main financial provider with RockerByeBaby and the pressure is ON my friends. Constantly hustlin' to try to make a buck... And some days I just want to do what my friend Bonnie said... "Trying REALLY hard not to just say F*&% it and just go ahead and wear pearls while I iron S*&$ and make meatloafs and freaking cheeseballs and hand Bob scotch and slippers when he comes home at midnight." Right? Man... life of a working from home mom can be pure chaos. But working from home saves us thousands on day care right? Just don't put a price on our sanity... literally - please don't... because at this point its probably worth nothing. You know... because there is no more sanity. 


Some days I think - man... punching a clock every day would be so much easier than this. No more working round the clock... to avoid an unhappy customer... no more super late nights when I should be sleeping... but really, how boring. When I hit these walls of exhaustion mixed with insanity... I realize how much I thrive in chaos... somehow I am holding together a family and a business... both of which I have had a huge part in creating with my husbands help... I wouldn't have it any other way... I couldn't... and I am thankful every day that I wake up with another sale in the shop... a screaming kid in my baby monitor... and a cold cup of coffee by my sewing machine... Keep hustlin' mamas!

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