So, this week is TOTALLY random... but Zaq has a meeting this week and there is rumor going around that zaq MAY just be wearing a chicken suit... and a cape... yes, a SUPER CHICKEN! so I figured it was only proper to dedicate this weeks post to all things super... and chicken-ish... or something... lol
#1: Chick Chick Earrings - (CUTENESS!)
#2: Fairesisters - Red & Black Cape. (Yep. Thats a grown man wearing a cape... *pictures hubby adding a chicken suit to this silliness... *ROFL*)
#3: Franticmeerkat - They Never Knew what hit them (lol, i wonder if zaq ill have this power in his super chicken suit?)
#4: Mahalo - Super Hero Cape
#5: Baamaamoo - SuperPeep! (its a baby chick.... wearing a cape... love it.)
#6: DiscoveryDenim - Little Hero Super Capes
#7: Mariska - Flufel Poloko Plush Chicken
#8: PumpkinBear - The Day They Got Their Capes
#9: Snitterdog - Mr Chicken Has a Beer (lol, ummmm yes - perfect.)