(as i write this he is literally climbing on top of me to point out that its a picture of buzz...)
This Buzz kept him completely happy and content for over a month... it went everywhere with us... It jumped from couch to couch with Zave saying "To Infinity & Beyond" and even with all my anti platic toy-ness... i liked it. HE was being creative... and I loved watching him create these little adventures with Buzz... and I loved the comfort it gave him when going to bed... now - last night all that changed... hubby went one a little shopping spree trip with his boss to check out the local competition... merchandising... blah blah blah BORING and on this trip... He dropped into the Disney store... (are you cringing yet? You know where this is going) Daddy saw the big Buzz... now for the Buzz crazed toddler this is heaven, right? Wrong.. its been an absolute effing disaster... Daddy was SOOO excited... he had already taken bux outta the box and all the wires and what not holding him in... ready for fun... and when daddy pulled that buzz outta the box it was like all his hopes and dreams came true... The real. big. buzz.
- Press button to hear five different Buzz phrases
- Features voice sampler and sound effects
- Press button for wing release
- Press arm laser button for laser light and sound!
- Retractable helmet
- Poseable joints
- Buzz's Space Ranger suit features special glow in the dark effect!
- Plastic
- 12'' H
- Requires 2 AA batteries, included
- Ages 3+
This Buzz is SO over the top that is has been nothing but drama since he opened it... My little TWO year old Zavery just can't keep up with Buzz... since he is totally jointed, he doesn't stand on his own like he wants him two... The wing release button is so hard to push that he can't do it... and when Daddy offer to help its a total meltdown... cuz little Zavery is still throwing two year old tantrums... He is hard plastic (and already scratched up), clunky and loud... and most likely lt will be broken with the month. Last night... Zave was up until almost 11pm fighting about buzz... finally, I had to take him away... Zavery drifted off to sleep... Big buzz was downstairs... and Little Buzz slept alone on the floor under the bed :( I woke up this morning to a screaming toddler who had snuck downstairs before me... OMG is everything ok!? No... its a disaster... Buzz's wings wont open... OH YES, because he still can't push the damn button in... In the two hours that we have been awake it has been nothing but Buzz Drama...Which is awesome... because Zavery is pretty much drama all the time anyways... so extra drama is always welcomed... the wings... those STUPID wings!! And if I have to hear the static of that laser one more time, i may have to cut off buzz's arm... I can already feel myself plotting the disappearance of Big Buzz... Craigslist? Maybe I can trick someone into buying him on Diaper Swappeers... Cute Buzzlight year toy! haha NOT So yeah, I feel so bad because daddy tried so hard to come up with such a fun surprise for him... and now were both ready to lose our minds over this little effing "toy story"... i miss little buzz... *pout*