Thursdays Tunes - Taylor Swift... shhhhhh..
Ok - so yes... i used to be cool and punk rock... and I used to have a hot pink mohawk... and over 20 piercings... and no, of course they weren't all on my face... *ahem* and I used to go to shows in knee high boots, fishnet, tore up jean skirts and ratty t-shirts (pregnant too, lol) and sometimes i miss those days... but now im all domesticated and what not... most the music i listen to has to be kid friendly... meaning, no f-bombs... lol and i spent most my time either playing with toddlers, cooking, cleaning and slaving away over my sewing machine... but i promise... i used to be cool... still am sometimes too... Like, last week we went to Warped Tour, remember?? Wait, still uncool... shit. Well, I do still love me some good ol' punk rock, rock 'n roll, irish punk... and you can never go wrong with a line up like Drop Kick Murphys.... or Misfits.... a little Motion City Soundtrack... some Against Me!... lots of Alkaline Trio and just a dash of Taylor Swift... what? *gulp* ok so maybe i listen to Taylor Swift sometimes... its all Kyle from Barley & Birch's fault... Blame her... i would have NEVER started if she didnt talk about it every Thursday during study hours... damn you Kyle! Anyways, I can't help it... shes adorable, and geeky... and funny... and has a beautiful voice... and word don't he street is she actually WRITES HER OWN SONGS! which is a rarity in the pop music world. So good for her... Can you tell im a little defensive about this? Lol JUSTIFYING listening to Taylor Swift... yes, i know... there is no excuse for it... so Ill shut up now and just listen to this cute song... oh, one more thing... the boy in the video is also adorable... and hes the boy in the Hannah Montana movie... Shush up about that too... ;)