So - like I said last week - the AE Photography is in town and we're having a blast. Last night we went to Manny's Steakhouse and spent about $435 between the 6 of us. Worth. Every. Penny. (More details on that later) And today has been a "we were up WAY too late playing games, and slept horrible" kind of lazy day - involving emails, editing, and blogging... YAY!
So Ashley posted an AWESOME blog post last week called "Critique Me" where she is gunna post tutorials to her awesome editing tricks... so naturally, since the master is sitting across the table from me, I started practicing... I had snapped a picture of her & Finn earlier in the day and this is what I came up with.

After Edits:

And another batch of edits:

Whatcha think? I know they're not perfect... but they're still pretty cool... now I should make Ashley do her own spin and see what SHE would do with it :)