Kitty Pinkstars = Love

I <3 Kitty Pinkstars... she's one of the sweetest most genuine people I've ever come across on the web... and I'm so glad I was finally able to add one of her Wookies to our collection. Rozzlyn absolutely LOVES rolling it around...

We love it OH so much... we even made a little video :)

You should definitely take a second to stop by her Etsy shop... and if you don't already - go "like" her fan page on facebook for daily doses of smiles, rainbows and hamsters named Walter.  I would say I have a slight addiction... and check her shop at LEAST a few times a week to make sure I don't miss any plush that I can't live without... but they go so stinking fast I have a hard time getting them in time! Now that I have one to love on in person... I definitely need more! And, they're so affordable... so check her out... have some Kitty Pinkstars?! Tell me about it!

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