Fight Like a Girl!

Just a little update here on our friend going through Hell and back. She is almost done with Chemo and things are looking up... Counts are finally going in the right direction! After a bad lung infection, an implant removal, and some strong antibiotics we are one step closer  to getting rid of this cruel cancer... I want to thank you all SO SO much for those of you that donated to the Go Fund Me. It is still open and if you would like to donate you are more than welcome as funds are still VERY tight due to her not being allowed to work. People like you helping out make this world a better place!!

OH! And I almost forgot... a few weeks back our friends had a Cancer benefit for one of HER friends... and they raised money at Evolution Tattoo... so of COURSE I had to go in and get a tattoo for my girl. I had her pick out what she thought I should get... and the agreement was brass knuckles with "Fight Like a Girl" in the banner... I love it :) She loves it :)

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