A friend of mine recommended that this weeks giveaway be Booger Bashers... because *as much as I want to deny it* the cold season is upon us... Already in just a few weeks of school we have all been sick.
Those germs fly around a Kindergarten class like crazy (trust me, I was in one today) - only about half of them cover their nose and mouth... the other half pick their nose, wipe it on the table, and then pick up a pencil. *barf* With school here, that means fall is here... and THAT guarantees if you magically don't catch a cold, your allergies are likely going haywire... pretty colored leaves = runny nose and eyes for me! SO instead of just doing the usual small 5 packs... we're going big :) The winner of this giveaway will get a free 10 Pack of Booger Bashers... You will have your choice of a girl, boy, or unisex pack. Our booger bashers are random packs of cotton & minky goodness... From many varying prints we have currently or even older rare prints!! They're kinda like collectors ;) Minky is soft enough for little noses - yet super durable and easily washable! I have a huge stack that I rotate through and then I just throw them in with the regular laundry.
How to win:
a Rafflecopter giveaway