My FaVoRiTe FuNkY fRiDaY FiNds
I wanna try to do this Every Friday...
I have SO MANY favorites on etsy...
I thought Id share some with you today :)
I want this diaper bag from BoodyBabies SOOO badly and its ONLY $30!!
Im trying really hard to use reusable totes ALL the time... and I can never have enough... I WANT THIS ONE!! and maybe a tattoo of it later :) Just $11!!
Someday, Some way, Somehow I WILL have a dress from the Vintage Doctor...
These pants... TOTALLY not my style but i love them... maybe someday Ill buy them, rather than just looking at them in my favorites... haha $40
and last but not least... #5...
True love with this bag from XcessRize... i want one SO BADLY!! GOO!! $74.95
Leave all these sellers some hearts and love... they deserve it!