(as always, click the link to enlarge... also - all items are linked up directly below)
#1) Shadovnia - A punk Rock unicorn? I didn't even know there was such a thing... and now I found this little guy and I am in LOVE... could it be any cuter with his little fishnet, leopard spikes, & Anarchy tattoo?
#2) HoldenTees - now, usually I am all up to date on the cute etsy shops, but this one is new to me... and SO cute. I totally love the yeti design... so so cute. and i have always loved shirts that feature a screen & an applique... cool texture. LOVE IT!
#3) Aimoobaroo - These might be cuteness overload... in the best way possible... can you imagine a ranbow print dress with this cute little glittery buttons!? Omg, i might just throw up rainbows, lol
#4) Plushshroom Soup- How do you up the cool factor of a Yeti? Make it a Zombie Yeti... loving the plushie buy not the Yeti? They have unicorns too:) Best of all, theyre from Minneapolis... ahh MInneapolis i miss you so, Ill be home to visit soon, i hope ;)
#5) Sir Mitchell - Not Just a unicorn... not just a yeti... but a tattoo'd unicorn being help by a yeti, while riding a vespa... can we say awesome? Yes, yes we can...
#6) LoveandaSandwhich - I remember sending the link to these little Yetis to Glam awhile beck... They are just TOO stinkin cute... 3 inches "small" and you can pick pink, blue or yellow. *mental note, i love the little nipples, LOL!*
#7) DevaniWeaver - The Unicorn Tunic... catching flack all over the blog world... well. I guess I should give my input *as if anyone really cares, haha* Would I wear it, no... but theres alot of beautiful things out there in this world that I wouldn't wear... unless its black... or white... or kawaii... or an old band tshirt (also usually black) I dont wear much... so all the people ripping her design apart should take a step back and see if THEY have style... and then see why it is that anyone cares about THIER option... cuz they probably dont, just like you dont care about mine ;) But back to the point, would I wear it? No, but can I appreciate the detail? totally. Its hand painted... and then quilted... the Dress has a nice shape... and the hair? So creative... So, lets just all back off and let the girl do her thing... p.s. wanna be wow'd? Check out this monster dress... So cool. Or the Gumball dress!? Genius... she should be making kids clothes. THAT would sell and much less dramatically, lol
#8) Funky Farm House - omg omg omg... so cute... i am in LOVE with this photo... and of course the super cute Yeti's! You can get either Blue or Pink... they're hand sewn with cute little button eyes and a pocket on the butt. CUTE CUTE CUTE!
#9)VulvaLoveLovely Alright - last but not least... for many... for me, im conflicted. Im 100% supportive being eco friendly... Im doing my best to save energy... cloth diaper... reuse, and now recycle... i use eco detergent, started shopping Organic... blah blah blah but this is one area i just can't latch on to. Now, for those of you that ARE into reusing of Menstual Pads, you need these... rainbow unicorns... on your pads... with a pretty pearl snap. my favorite part "These pads are made of soft flannel to keep your vagina warm and comfy throughout your period." haha I need a warm comfy vag.. maybe its time to try it!