It's impossible for me to believe that it is time to start potty training Rozzlyn. SHE IS JUST A BABY!! And by a baby I mean not at all a baby... she is a full on walking, talking, toddler - pooping on the potty. Too much info? Sorry. This is a post about a
potty seat - things could get messy. ;)

I should probably start this by saying........ Im sorry Rozzlyn - don't hate me for this when you're 13... I promise I won't (I totally will) pull these pics out to show your first boyfriend. *13? Boyfriend? Ha... Maybe when you're 23* LOVE YOU BABY GIRL!

So Ms. Rozzlyn its a champ at pooping on the potty. I would say in the last few weeks we have had about 15 poops on the potty... and the
Nuby Potty Seat has been a HUGE help at all this progress. While I totally want to throw the potty chair in the back of the closet - keep her in diapers forever - and pretend she will always be my baby girl.... I am aware that she must grow up. And the sooner she is out of diapers, the better. So as usual, Nuby to the rescue..."This small Potty Seat by Nûby™ is one easy-to-clean piece. It has been designed so that little boys and little girls can use it comfortably." It is so perfectly sized that Rozzlyn fits on it perfectly - yet it still slips right between our toilet and sink. Though - the color is so awesome I wouldn't really care if it was out in the open either! We snagged the Teal and I love it.

Currently, our favorite thing to do is to brush our teeth on the potty. We always start with a clean potty of course... but I feel like it established two great morning habits in one... brushing our teeth... and the necessary morning potty trip. PLUS - brushing her teeth keeps her distracted and sitting their much longer than if I just place her on the potty... she is usually ready to get up after about 5 seconds. If we're lucky enough to get some potty out - I just dump it in the toilet and wipe out the potty with an antibacterial wipe. SO SO easy... and if it takes more effort that than (which it usually never does) I just wipe it out with some dish soap and a cloth diaper wipe/rag. SO SIMPLE! Highly, HIGHLY recommended if you want a simple potty without all the bells and whistles. We used to have one that played music every time they went potty. Fun - until it stopped working properly and was going off constantly with or without a sucessful potty trip. All that stuff just isn't necessary. Keep it simple - sleek - and stylish with the
Nuby Potty Seat.
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