High Country Headwear

SO PROUD of our good friend Sarah for launching her business on Wednesday! Its called High Country Headwear and focuses on awesome hats for Colorado residents. But if you're looking for something a little more specific - don't worry! She takes requests of all kind! She made Rozz the cutest hats for last winter and we're ready for more this winter!  


She says, "I am a mother of two small children and started making basic hats for our epic adventures when I thought, what better way is there to show love for Colorado while out enjoying its natural beauty, than by wearing a sweet, handmade, Colorado hat for all the world (and wildlife) to see!? (I know, right?) And so... the Colorado hats were born. Boom."

So head over to High Country Headwear and get yours!  

This is the hat she made Rozz last year! 

This is the hat she made Rozz last year! 

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