Free Friday! Nuby review and giveaway!

I remember as a new mom, thinking things like - who cares which bottle, or pacifier... its pretty much all the same, right? Ha. So young... So - SO wrong. lol With my 2nd son we went through about 10 different bottles and about 6 different pacifiers before we found ones he would even humor the idea of taking. Rozz was similar... SO many before she would take one as she was pretty particular to being a boob only baby. At the time I was a "nuby mommy blogger" and they had sent me some to try out. And sure enough, she loved this one.

It was a nice soft silicone... little nubs to rub against their gums... and the plastic part is separate from the nipple, so it gives a more natural feel of being on the breast. GENIUS idea... just genius. I plan on buying about 6,000 for baby Z #4 on the way. They come in bright bold colors, which I love... and work with pretty much any pacifier clip

Now, when I decided I needed about 6,000 of these for the new baby... I didn't know about their newest pacifier. I didn't think they could top this one... but they did.

They took the awesome super soft silicone... added the little nubs for massaging - and get this.... MADE IT GLOW IN THE DARK!!! I don't care if you're a crib mom, co-sleeping mom, bassinet mom... if your kid uses a pacifier then you need this. I can't even count how many times in the lives of 3 kids I have been frantically searching the bed, crib, bassinet, floor, wherever else for a paci that has popped out of their mouth (been thrown across the room)... All you do is leave it in the light for a bit... and then when you shut off the lights it glows. In. Love. As a future mom of 4 anything this simple that makes my life easier allowing me even 3 more minutes of sleep is a win in my book!

You want one, right? Well gueeessssssss what... Im giving away two of these pacifiers. One Pink with hearts and one yellow with a teddy bear AND each winner gets to pick a custom pacifier clip to go with your prize. The owl pics below are an example of a set that I made. Turned out so cute! Scroll to the bottom to enter the SUPER SIMPLE rafflecopter form :) GOOD LUCK!

Photo Jul 24, 7 55 26 PM.jpg
Photo Jul 24, 10 29 00 PM.jpg
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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